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Everything posted by tigol

  1. Ah! So, she had worms. Indaresting.
  2. I got one for Christmas 2 years ago. It fucking sucks and it came with a bible verse in the box like a fucking fortune cookie.
  3. I'm not defending her behavior in the marriage. I'm simply pointing out that she isn't an idiot and compromises are worth discussing. Unplug my coffee maker and my entire staff will fuck you up.
  4. I’m just going to leave this here. https://electronics.howstuffworks.com/everyday-tech/vampire-power.htm
  5. You need to check out the hot sauce thread.
  6. We loved it. It's not expensive, but nice. I think it's 2 blocks from Canal and near a Ruby Slipper. Really quiet, but close enough to the Quarter.
  7. Any Marriott points? https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/msyqc-qandc-hotelbar-new-orleans-autograph-collection-/overview/?gclid=CjwKCAiAo4OQBhBBEiwA5KWu_8cZmnvSCSnejPt5QAEjY3ICdxSTE-qMWvj12MA_hnFerVn4vcGunxoCjIoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. We "the people." This is who we are now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE7zOyAt14Y
  9. This right here. Fuck Mercedes. Subaru Outback has everything I need, is reliable as hell, and I wouldn’t know how expensive they are to fix because I haven’t had a single issue in over 100,000 miles. Just change the oil and rotate the tires. Go ahead with the lesbian jokes. Don’t care. I’m not on the side of the road waiting for AAA.
  10. Look at the recipe I linked above. I'd double most of it, but especially the shallots, adobo, and chili powder. You really can't fuck it up. Adding citrus to the marinade can make meat mealy if left on too long, so I use it more to finish or I'll add zest from the rind for the flavor while grilling. A splash of orange juice in the marinade is a nice add if brushing it on. Just take the meat out, pour the marinade in a bowl and whisk in some citrus. Then, brush it on the meat and use it to baste while grilling. Works for chicken, pork, and scrimps.
  11. This one looks pretty solid, but I'd use the whole can of chipotle peppers and all of the adobo. Might grill this up tonight. https://www.feastingathome.com/grilled-chipotle-chicken-recipe/
  12. Yeah, it's mostly bullshit. The white after church crowd is so much worse. SO, so much worse. I was a server at Spaghetti Warehouse one summer between UT semesters. Never again. I have nothing but respect for the folks in the service industry. Every kid should have to go through that shit.
  13. That looks like a putter my Dad was into in the mid 90's.
  14. This place is getting high marks from friends. That Nola Schnitzel Sandwich looks interesting.... https://bratzyall.com/new-orleans-bywater-bratz-y-all-bistro-food-menu
  15. It’s perfect. I just never realized John Wayne walked like that.
  16. https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-american-cheese-16-oz/127059
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