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Everything posted by tigol

  1. Man, this hurts. Saw the OP when I was at work and couldn't add more. Busy. My elementary school friend's Dad wasn't from Texas, but he loved the music and loved to strum his guitar. He's the Dad that sat around in his boxers and a T-shirt until it was time for him to put on his Dolphin shorts to go for a run before dinner. He'd play golf now and again, but his passion was music. He took me and my friend sailing once on his tiny little rig on the lake. I don't have the heart to text him this news.
  2. Nope. Can you imagine what the mouth breathers would do with the information that one child was harmed by a "rushed" vaccine? You don't have to. The CDC has been discredited by many due to their messaging. The FDA has enough problems. Conspiracy theorists don't need red meat. At all. A crumb of impropriety spreads distrust far and wide on social media. Horse paste.
  3. No I don’t. The problem is idiots that don’t understand mutations and the basic science. Shit is constantly changing. If everyone got the vaccine as soon as they were eligible that three week old information might be true. But, delta. It’s a different fucking virus because unvaccinated human hosts allowed it to mutate. And it continues to do so and the next deadly iteration could wipe out the vaccinated. Get the fucking shot.
  4. That is painful to read. The point should always be moist. I know you're in California. Where did you get this nag? How many pounds and how was the fat? Did you trim or did the butcher? Give us a rundown of smoker temps and fluctuations. That said, buy a WSM. Problems solved.
  5. Both are linked to wiki's sadness images. Clean up that shit, sell it, and get a WSM.
  6. Nope, at least 200 to get it to probe like butter. You can wrap in foil to get through the stall, but it might impact the bark. What temp is your pit and how big is this thing? 14 hrs isn't excessive, but close.
  7. I've got 2 18" WSM's. For the first one, I bought the Cajun Bandit door and it works great! I've had it for years. Thanks to this thread and WSM forums, I also use gaskets, the Arbor Fab basket, a BBQ Guru w/fan and adaptor, Fireboard w/the BBQ Guru fan, and the lid hinge. The Fireboard is awesome! Gaskets are a must. The lid hinge is a bit wonkey, but if you don't have a lot of space to set the lid on the ground it is a nice accessory. I bought another WSM to keep at my Uncle's farm for get togethers, and I treated the door, bottom, and dome with some extra gasket material I had. Works like a charm. I've burned it in and done two long cooks on it and it does not leak. I highly recommend this kit for the base, door, and dome. It's enough for 2 WSM's and no leaks: https://www.amazon.com/Gasket-Weber-Smokey-Mountain-gasket/dp/B00CI6WFCU/ref=asc_df_B00CI6WFCU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312142484282&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12971683097946288872&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028274&hvtargid=pla-592593434834&psc=1 Fireboard (skip their fan. it's a PITA): https://www.fireboard.com/shop/fireboard-2-drive/ BBQ Guru Fan: https://bbqguru.com/storenav/Index?categoryId=&&productId=403 Adaptor: https://bbqguru.com/storenav/Index?categoryId=&&productId=6 I got the BGE adaptor as well, but I haven't tried it with the Fireboard yet. I use the BGE for high temp cooks, so it hasn't been a priority to smoke anything on it. I'm still fiddling with the Fireboard, but once I get it dialed in it will be perfect. The app is great and the damn thing is precise. WiFi and Bluetooth. I also got readings on LTE when I ran to the store while the food was on. I know it is pricey, but it may be my favorite gadget I've purchased in the last 5 years.
  8. When the vast majority of people that aren't vaccinated are not getting vaccinated due to an idiotic political movement, it's impossible to discuss without politics. I think I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I hope you can understand why it is not being met with open arms. People who believe in science have had enough. There is no reasoning with people who are refusing the vaccine. There's nothing to discuss.
  9. You "smoked" it at 450? That's not how it works.
  10. I didn't have the tap issues when I was there a couple of months ago. I agree that they have some significant issues to work out with logistics, staff, atmosphere, overall attitude and pride. But, the self-service could work in their favor if they get a good manager that can staff appropriately and keep the place humming. I don't always like waiting on the bartender and enjoy variety. It was a nice change of pace and I hope they can get out of their own way.
  11. I should add that my other Uncle, also Arky season ticket holder, thought this video was freaking hilarious. But, he has a few more brain cells. And is a physician. And thinks Aggy is hilarious.
  12. This is likely true. My Uncle is Arky and he keeps saying, "This is absolutely the right move for both programs. SEC is the elite conference." or some version of it. I finally asked him, "So, when Bama wins the NC you feel Arkansas is part of their victory?" He said yes without missing a beat. It's a cult. I don't see Texas "fitting in" to that sort of mindset at all. Perfect for Aggy, though. If this gets finalized, I'm going to have to vent here more. I'm all for it, but the cult shit sucks. Root for your team. Your conference is just that. It determines who you play and when. Claiming it as some sort of "brotherhood" is fucking weird. Texas could go to any of the big conferences. They're still Texas. Period.
  13. The comments were not what I was expecting. Some are, but I was taken aback by most. Refreshing.
  14. Dreamland in Dripping has that set-up. https://dreamlanddstx.com/
  15. Chris Madrid's was okay. I enjoyed the jalapeno burger and liked the overwhelming amount of cheese, but the burger patty itself lacked seasoning and was slightly cold. I thought that was weird because our food came out fast despite the crowd. Toro was outstanding! Thank you for the rec on that. Small intimate place with good service, outstanding food, and live music. The Jamon Iberico was incredible and we shared a few small plates of different offerings. It was a perfect date spot. We skipped Mi Tierra when we saw what a cluster parking was and drove to New Braunfels for German food. The Westin needs some remodeling. The Riverwalk was a bit dicey during the day and we didn't venture out at night, but I enjoyed walking it and people watching. The crowd was....well, I don't think they were all vaccinated. I'll leave it at that. Great weekend! Thank you for all of the recs.
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