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Everything posted by tigol

  1. I've looked through the thread and tried to find websites for some of the recs. Staying at the Westin on the Riverwalk this weekend for my husband's birthday. This is what I have so far for him to chose from: Breakfast: https://www.instagram.com/tacohousesa/ https://www.mitierracafe.com/ https://theoriginalblancocafe.com/ Lunch: https://www.chrismadrids.com/ https://www.josephinestreet.com/menu.php https://www.tekamolino.com/menu.html Dinner: https://www.torokitchenandbar.com/menu https://www.southerleighatpearl.com/menus/ Thoughts? Recs on the RW (I know, I know) would also be appreciated. Walking distance would be nice.
  2. George and Pete are in there, too.
  3. I used an Aerogarden and grew their “salsa” kit. It’s messy. The tomatoes were constantly growing taller than the light. I had to cut them back so much that they barely produced fruit. The jalapeños barely grew and were not hot. It is currently sitting in the garage. It’s for sale.
  4. Don't know, but the husband said this was legit. https://www.creeksidecookers.com/menu#menu=menu&item=world-famous-catfish-platter
  5. I've hesitated posting this, because I'm selfish. Creekside Cookers in Wimberley is damn good. https://www.creeksidecookers.com/
  6. I have this one: https://www.kitchenaid.com/countertop-appliances/coffee-products/coffee-grinders/p.burr-coffee-grinder.kcg8433bm.html?productcategory=coffee_makers_and_grinders&cmp=kad%3Awp_sda%257c01%257c00365%257czz%257csh%257ct02%257cp77%257czz%257cv04_kasa_ppc%3Aga%3Aps%3Atxt%3Atxt%3Acpc%3Ashop_smartshop_rob%3Ana%3Ana%3A12269786280%3A117807492936%3Ac&gclid=Cj0KCQjwub-HBhCyARIsAPctr7wW-H8XS4_jMKhJ0iKKjVktkPMCRDEbVZnbN-4Z82gBb2OS5cELplIaAhahEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds I previously had the Bodum burr grinder and it was fine, but really loud. The Kitchenaid cut the noise at least in half for me.
  7. Sounds like you wore out your welcome.[emoji2957] Big Bend.
  8. Credit to Elizabeth Cook on her SXM show for reminding me of this one.
  9. This and explain the straw man thing. For the benefit of the board, explain it as if you would to 5 year old girls.
  10. I haven't. I have heard and it has been proven that Russians infiltrated social media with bots and humans to influence the election.
  11. It was a stupid school board election. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/verify/verify-gov-greg-abbott-voting-integrity/269-76f35232-2f0d-4605-be08-18d869aa839c
  12. This is not even in the same ballpark. It’s not even the same fucking sport. GTFO with this nonsense. Only news here is that Trump had an ethics advisor. Wow.
  13. I was surprised to learn that those flags are made in the U.S.A. Nice. Taco Doritos are best Doritos. That's all I have.
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