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Everything posted by tigol

  1. They're available to purchase again for a March 8 delivery date.
  2. There is a female guitarist in one of the pics.
  3. I dislike you. You bring nothing of substance or honesty. Fuck you for being a fucking asshole.
  4. First thought after reading this. As a middle aged woman, I should buy a bass. Nirvana lurks.
  5. Thanks! I'll check that out. I'm a beginner, so I bought it to learn. I'll keep you all posted when it gets here.
  6. I bought one as a "power supporter." I just got an email that they should ship it by the end of Feb. We'll see.
  7. tigol


    Salt Lick is ass.
  8. http://sherylcanter.com/wordpress/2010/01/a-science-based-technique-for-seasoning-cast-iron/
  9. It's also at HEB in the health food section. Check the refrigerator.
  10. My FIL with the confederate flag tattoo disagrees.
  11. You are a brave and talented man. This setback shall pass.
  12. Didn't that Piggly Wiggly turn into a Winn Dixie?
  13. That's nobody's business.
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