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Everything posted by tigol

  1. It will. My husband thought that if it is below freezing outside, you have to use emergency heat on the heat pump. I hit the fucking roof when I got the bill. Then I started my campaign to demonstrate how a heat pump works. He still doesn’t believe me. Because reasons.
  2. I measured the bowl and bought a pizza pan from Amazon that I foil and lay on top. Works great. It’s been a few years so I don’t have the exact link, but it shouldn’t be hard to measure that bowl if your husband is around.
  3. Thank you for closing this loop. That is almost exactly what my husband said when I made such a suggestion.
  4. tigol

    Getting old sucks

    I’m just starting down the fucked up perimenopausal road, as documented in the mental health thread, and estrogen deficiency will fuck with your heart rhythms big time and it’s rarely discussed. Just posting to say that I’m with on this journey with you. I’d look for a menopause specialist in your area first and get your symptoms checked out by them.
  5. Eh, a scientist would say deionized in my world.
  6. She makes me proud to be an American. It's too bad that she's the only one that makes me feel that way, but I'm cool with it.
  7. In the rare case that there is a woman other than myself and troph posting on the internet, this is for you. If you are over 40 and experiencing severe depression and anxiety symptoms that are at times debilitating, please consider talking to your OB/GYN about peri menopause. It might not be the issue, but it was something that did not occur to me as a potential cause for almost a year now.
  8. I’m not impressed if it’s just a line of shadowy cutaways.
  9. Tell your sister that her husband is a fucking idiot and leave him at home. Problem solved.
  10. Yep, it's my favorite cut. I stock up when they run a special. https://www.flannerybeef.com/product/hanger-steak/
  11. That’s a nice fridge. Do you like it? I mean, I’m sure you like it when it’s cold and the door is closed, but other than that?
  12. Ooooh, yes that sounds like a winner.
  13. lol. If only you felt this way about liberty for all.
  14. Return it. Get $600 worth of Drakar Noir.
  15. My apologies. I must have him mixed up with someone else over the course of the week. Thank you for assisting in correcting this matter.
  16. This was a tough watch for me due to the father/sexuality angle. Hit too close to home. Bradley Cooper is outstanding in this. His conducting is some of the best I’ve seen from an actor and Bernstein is not easy to imitate.
  17. Yes, the sealing in the juices bit. I assumed the poster didn’t know shit about the Maillard reaction given his posting history.
  18. Meh, this has been debunked. It don’t make a shit.
  19. Ah, yes, just business as usual. Nothing to see here. Move along, rubes.
  20. Let me break out my tiny violin.
  21. I may be married to your wife. My husband has HVAC comprehension issues and his Dad owns an HVAC company. He also believes that turning the emergency heat on the heat pump is a good idea if it’s below freezing outside. Our fucking bill went through the roof before I was able to put a stop to it.
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