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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. Outlaw Festival 2025: Willie Nelson & Bob Dylan in Dallas My son plays his guitar daily, takes lessons weekly, and loves all things music. It's a real treat. I peel away from the rest of my family and he and I go see concerts. Not really what I expected when I had a son but, pretty cool father/son bonding. As far as playing together, I've got a G, Cad9, E minor and A in my skillset. He's all "check out this riff I built on this scale." It only takes me about 3 seconds to switch between chords so, we're not really on the same plane - yet. It might be fun to go to this except, at 4pm on July 5th at the Cotton Bowl it's going to be at least 115 degrees and I think I would rather spend that day on a beach or beside a pool. If you go, hydrate and don't be surprised if Dylan has a heat stroke.
  2. Bob Dylan last night in Little Rock - dude's getting old. The tour is kind of a jazz/beatnick cafe deal with soft lighting, they all wear hats, some of the songs are almost spoken poetry, it's different and cool. He played the piano almost exclusively. Maybe played the strat for 30 seconds in an early song. However, it was also boring. It didn't help that the people sitting next to me were the most spun-out people I have ever encountered (meth I'm guessing). When I sat down, guy was chugging a pint of clear liquor. Lights go out he lights up a joint. Fair enough, it's a concert - you expect this stuff... maybe not in an indoor concert hall - get a vape or some edibles fuckstick. But that dude was rocking back and forth, screaming and shit. On a 1-10 scale of 1 is stone cold sober and 10 is you spontaneously combust from having too much meth in your system, this guy was way past Tuco Salamanca. A human can't drink and smoke that much shit and still be that wound up with out meth or something similar. It's hard to relax and lean into mellow jazz night sitting next to that. I told my son this when we were entering "this guy is going to do it his own way - don't expect a greatest hits sing-along... we'll take what we get." I was absolutely correct. Then leaving, this was my commentary "dude's a legend - if he wanted to sit up there, strum one string and piss down his leg... he's earned that, and people would come watch. But don't expect me to say "great concert." Living legend doesn't equate to awesome show." I guess I'm officially old. Supposedly he's playing with Willie for some Outlaw deal in Austin this summer - maybe that will be a better showing.
  3. I need a powersource for pedals and an inline tuner for ... tuning. I could go search and read this whole thread or, someone who knows the answer could save me the hassle. Current count is 1 wah pedal and 2 other pedals. I suspect that number will increase by 1 tuner and who knows what else.
  4. This guitar has been with him since 12/25 and has likely had the tuner clipped on the entire time. Two rings/indentations and we will never make that mistake again. This guitar is really pretty and this isn't a "play it and don't worry about the dings" situation. So, I'm off to the pedal thread to discuss in line tuners. In other news, I'm taking him to see Bob Dylan play, which is nice.
  5. Aaaand, Gibson shop minimum is $500. Surely there is someone competent that can come in under that, right?
  6. Today I learned that if your son leaves his clip-on tuner clipped onto the headstock of a les paul, it will fuck up the finish. Option 1 - send back to Gibson for repair. Option 2 - hire some Austin person for repair. Comments?
  7. If I had a pool, I'm not sure I would want the ducks gone. They don't add to the enjoyment?
  8. I drive a lot of GM products with the lane departure feature that will direct you back in the lane. This technology I recently experienced was far superior. Type your destination into the computer, press the blue button, and relax. I presume all manufacturers are working this up and it will be a big deal when it is widely available. I would go so far as to say self-driving will become the exception. Ill drive a super cruise and report back.
  9. Houston gas pump tried to get me to donate to cystic fibrosis something or other this weekend. seriously? Why does the damned gas pump care about whether I’m charitable or not?
  10. Test drove a new Model S today. Rode around in full self drive mode for a good long time and I must say I am very impressed. What other cars have something comparable… for those who might want to consider a different brand?
  11. Wanted to get it filed quickly?
  12. Cochon Butcher muffaleta is on point. That's not a giant sandwich but it's a lot of meat. Would eat again.
  13. Not feeling the Reuben from Stein's. Meat was thin sliced and dry af. Maybe they had an off day but that thing was underwhelming.
  14. I'm travelling to NO for a week of difficult work, long hours, etc. and the Marriott Metairie is the nearest decent place to my destination. My problem is, there are a lot of nicer and cooler hotels that are near to a lot of nicer and cooler restaurants, and that place looks online like something from the movie Office Space where there is likely a Bennigans in the lobby and coffeemate in the coffee. Anyone have any thoughts about the commute from Canal street to Metairie?
  15. Applying to private dorms is kinda a pain in the ass.
  16. Yeah, this guy defended Oprah, in a suit brought by cattle ranchers, in Amarillo, and won. I suspect he’s got a trick or two up his sleeve for Blake.
  17. Looks like she filed something in Texas to compel a deposition which, I guess, subjects her to some jurisdiction in Texas. This guy has entered the arena https://www.jw.com/people/charles-babcock/ His resume indicates he’s got some experience. It’s getting warmer now.
  18. There's a taco restaurant in Dumas called Frieda's Burritos. Would eat again.
  19. Dumas Hampton inn is older but better than Dalhart Hampton Inn.
  20. My favorite is the “I’m not afraid to testify - I’m ready for my deposition - I don’t need to prep, I’m telling the truth” crowd. After the all day depo they always say something like “that wasn’t that bad, right?” uh, yeah, I’ve seen worse.
  21. Someone needs to be beaten on and bloodied, by legal process and legal fees, for a lengthy period of time, before they’ll see the reasonableness of a settlement. Not enough bloodletting yet - just getting warmed up.
  22. From the looks of the pictures I suspect she’ll move on and find someone else to pay for the party.
  23. http://www.yahoo.com/news/alleged-drug-kingpin-caught-wife-182908822.html i would be upset if my wife did this to me.
  24. As someone that has sailed a traditional sailing warship, for a time, has stood at the spot (on the deck of the Victory) where Lord Nelson fell, and fired cannons in Greenwich, Portsmouth, Newport and Lisbon (almost Cadiz), I offer these observations: 1. Those mf’ers are heavy. If they started rolling around once, I bet changes were made such that it didn’t happen again. Victory had 32 pounders (cannons that fired 32 pound cannon balls). 2. They were at sea. Oftentimes the Atlantic, which can be nasty. The ships rolled around a lot. The notion that these cannon balls we’re sitting around watching the thermometer drop and then, “voila!” sorta defies common sense. Imagine the ship bouncing and rolling around a bunch. 3. Most of these sailors were uneducated. The saying about the British Navy was it was run by rum, sodomy and the lash. I doubt they spent much time thinking about metal thermodynamics. I think people like the story because it blends a little history with a little salty talk. There is more interesting and better history about naval warfare. Some of it salty too.
  25. I’ve never been to Philadelphia. mid I were to go food 3-4 days in May or June, where should I stay, and what should I do?
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