There is a logical gap here, and I can no longer remain silent.
You started with “neighbor apologized, admitted fault…” and then jumped to “how soon can I get my money?”
it is entirely possible that the insurance company reviewed the photos and reached an alternate conclusion. They do this for a living and see more accidents than you do.
It is also entirely possible that the other driver gave an interview to his insurer that didn’t square with “admitted fault…”
Here, in Texas, we have rights. Property rights, due process rights, all kinda rights and, so does the other driver, and so does his insurer.
Until a judge and/or jury adjudicates the other driver liable, he/she owes you zip. “Yeah but he said he was liable…,” is evidence, but not the same as a judgment. At trial the driver could roll out “I was scared and excited and now, reflecting, I did nothing wrong.”
And, when the judge/jury believes your son, maybe a teenage driver, and not that bs story, and finds in your favor, the insurance company may still have a basket of defenses. Examples include “that car/driver wasn’t insured, and the damage exceeds the coverage.”
Im not saying you’re holding a losing hand, but I am saying all you’re holding right now is an accident report, a claim and a jacked up car. You gonna press your claim? I bet you’re not experienced at this game.
My suggestion - Submit this to your carrier - they’re good at this game. Get the car repaired, and then when your rates skyrocket… beat the hell out of your child for causing this wreck and teach that reckless hazard a lesson.
Or, maybe, it will all work out because the insurance company feels a sense of obligation to do right.