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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. What’s good for breakfast in Dumas? They got a coffee shop or bakery or greasy spoon worth hitting?
  2. Second time I’ve driven to Colorado for vacation. First time stopped/stayed in Dumas. This time I saw Hampton Inn Dalhart and figured “how bad can a Hampton Inn be?” Well, the answer is not bad. Dalhart on the other hand - kinda smelly and can’t really tell what that place does well. Watched video of the elk belching into the mic and started laughing. Showed it to my 12 yo son who thinks burps and farts are the funniest thing ever and we both had a good laugh. Wife said “this is like Christmas all over for you two, isnt it?” Heh heh. Then, about 5 minutes later, she said “wait a minute - is that the same guy that said “we’re fully focused on the game this week - Texas, I mean Auburn?” Heh heh.
  3. Heh heh. went to sleep in shithole Dalhart. Kinda depressing. My kids kept saying “what’s that smell?” Woke up in Dalhart and saw score. Not so depressed. Heh heh.
  4. This would really bring the room together. https://realgoodgloryhole.com
  5. Does that hole in the wall serve a particular purpose?
  6. Strongly disagree. My kids have done their share of damage, including barfing partially chewed rice all over the backseat of a new vehicle, but I can't think of a time when my kids have done permanent damage to a carpet floor mat. Those things are made of rubber and synthetic carpet. Live a little - that car you're protecting probably won't end up at the Mecum auction with the Aston Martins.
  7. I have an inner conflict. I 100% prefer buying from a local guitar shop, but Sweetwater has their game tight. Whoever is training Sweetwater employees is putting in the work.
  8. I guess now I need one. Is there a such thing as a lefty Les Paul?
  9. He plays the shit out of his guitars. 7 days a week. And he has a really good attitude. I asked him to pick a guitar and he picked the Epiphone version of this. I leveled it up to ‘murican made. I’ll sort out my credit card bill in January. For tomorrow, my wife and daughter will get 50w of KISS for Christmas.
  10. Got one of these to go under the tree for 12 year old. I personally think this is an extremely badass gift for a child and I way overspent. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LPS5TONH--gibson-les-paul-standard-50s-tobacco-burst He’s up to 5. My guitar collection remains at 1.
  11. Rubber car floor mats. From time to time I wear nice pants and nice shoes. When I get in a car I dont want to rub my gear on some shitty rubber floor mat like I’m working in the kitchen at Cisco’s. Yes, I understand that some people work in the mud or have work trucks. Good for you. I’m talking about a nice car/truck or daily driver - get some nice carpet like a civilized human.
  12. Recap. You started by responding to my post and said "we won 6-3 when Beck was playing..." which was wrong. I posted a clever meme ... "not sure I agree with your police work." You challenged that with another post which was wrong. Then, you edited it, because it was wrong. And then you fire off with the "dumbass?" To all of that noise I say:
  13. Ok, I'll be more clear and less clever. You're wrong. Specifically, the part where you said: The last play of the game for Beck was the last play of the first half. Georgia QB Carson Beck returns from hand injury for final snap in SEC championship OT win over Texas – CBS17.com Now is when you say "that doesn't count because... reasons."
  14. Beck's qbr for the CCG was 59.5 Quinn's was 70.6 Honest question, does that mean our QB played better than theirs and we still lost?
  15. Weren’t there some Wingo targets in the end zone? could some of yall line out for me how Quinn screwed those up? Also, where’s the “if arch wasn’t such a shitty holder thread, auburn would have hit” thread? I’ve got some strong words for that one.
  16. Not what I said, friendo. I said "Get him some cushy deal like Fatterson had. That fiery mf'er almost ripped his own ear off one day." Didn't Sark hire Fatterson to be special assistant for offensive production or something? Throw back Fatterson or whoever is sitting in his spot, and get me Muschamp. Truthfully, the Defense doesn't need any help. But, I still would rather that lunatic be on the Texas sideline than the Georgia sideline.
  17. If you told me that, today, I could trade straight up, Kirby for Sark, I would say no f'ing way. I believe Sark is the better coach and I like his style better. Kirby is the lesser of the two and is insufferable. If you told me I could trade, straight up, for any coach, coordinator, etc. in college football, the only change I would make would be to try to get Muschamp. Get him some cushy deal like Fatterson had. That fiery mf'er almost ripped his own ear off one day. Also, I can't wait until someone plows kirby over in the white area next to the sideline and we get a gif of him getting blasted, visor flying and all. That will be a glorious day.
  18. If you told me to come up with metrics for Sark at the beginning of the year I would have come up with something like: Beat ou Beat aggy Win NC Win CCG Beat Michigan. These are listed in order of importance to me. My point is that the CCG was icing, never the cake, at least for me. I understand it's an extra fu to the haters, but I want to win it all and we still can. Oh, and along the subject of icing on the cake, Oregon, Ohio and Georgia are the best teams we'll face in the playoff and although we lost the CCG, we may have slept they first round draft pick qb, which means our odds of beating them next time are probably better. Oh, and we've got Arch lined up for next year with the number one class on the way for the spring. And so from my seats I grade Sark as something like an A-. Now you can all go back to your regularly scheduled programming and calling him a dumbass.
  19. If they won 8 this year with a new coach and Jimbo's bare cupboard, surely they'll get 10 or 11 next year, right?
  20. Question: With all the dust settled, if aggy had won one of Auburn or SCar, would they be in the CCG?
  21. Being that it's 'croot time and Christmas, can someone retell the "ass my dude" story?
  22. In response to the posts above about yell practice and yell leaders, put me in charge and I'll fix all that stuff lickety-split and have them "modernized" and "full of hype," by next August. My simple change? Female yell leaders with a coach from one of Houston's "gentleman's establishments." Add some skin, some wiggle, and errbody will forgive the chigaroom and the weird dance moves. If they still need some dudes in jumpsuits, give them the cannon duties. It's not like the current operators have it perfected.
  23. I don't know man. From where I'm sitting, I'm not sure it's a "respectable" 8-4. It includes wins over... McNeese Bowling Green New Mexico State
  24. Is your point that we should leave QE in for these situations, or use an RB. I can't tell. Arch plays special teams too. Ya know what that means?
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