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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. I’m under the impression that somewhere in the 4 hours they get some surface intervals and breaks. can anyone confirm? If so, maybe they don’t have to change tanks/regs under water? my dad’s girlfriend was my dive buddy for my checkout dives when I got certified in canyon lake. She wasn’t worth a fuck and surfaced from 40 feet like a Polaris missile because “I can’t get my ears equalized.” Divemaster didn’t complain because ... tits. if a 30 year old nurse, who probably understands the science and risks, can’t figure it out, a 12 yo is going to need some luck. Keep the reg in your mouth kid, breathe slowly and keep moving/don’t quit.
  2. Well Schlitterbahn figured it out there Mr. Bernoulli, so It can’t be that hard.
  3. Drilling - What is the depth through the ground? what is the surface like - can you roll some gear i there? what if you collapse the whole damned thing and poof?
  4. I respectfully disagree. I saw a YouTube where a guy built an automatic transmission out of legos. You telling me they can my fit legos in there?
  5. Anyone know anything above diving bells or habitats? Can you take the parts in and build a habitat in place for them? how does monsoon work? Is it even a guarantee that this cave drains out in 3 months? What about a wet year? Maybe it doesn’t drain?
  6. What are these kids, 12 years old? Even in the best of circumstances, with a perfect dive student, how are you going to keep a 12 yo calm and focused in a dark 0 vis 4 hour cave dive with current? you'll be thinking you’re scuba Steve for the first 20 minutes and then the kid will have his mask flood or drop the regulator. He’ll cling on to you like a spider monkey and not let go. Then what? You gonna whisper some sweet words to him? Tell him he’s only got 3:40 left to go? scratch him a note that says “stop fucking around.” drag his dead body back into the hole and tell the other 11 they’re next? kid gets in 0 vis and gets vertigo - pukes pad Thai through his regulator? Ain’t nobody got time for that. i predict there is 0 chance they dive these kids out 1 at a time. if they’re able to live in the hole - no way you can risk the dives. You wait.
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