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Everything posted by CoTex

  1. Your comments have convinced me that my original instinct was correct. Im going to 1988 Mexia Texas Dairy Queen. Im gonna order a dude sandwich and a heath bar blizzard, and shoot my shot at Vicki Lynn.
  2. So with no effect, we’re just a spectator?
  3. The Surly vernacular expanded today by "rash of shit." Well done my friend. Urban Dictionary: ration of shit
  4. Many years ago I was acquaintances with a Texas Ranger who travelled the state working on various investigations. One comment he made to me was, "In Longview Texas the police will shoot you quickly." His point was, statistically, there are some places where the cops let go of the lead faster than others, and Longview topped the list. I pushed back and said "surely they can't get close to Houston?" He told me I was very wrong and the big cities were, statistically, safer. I guess this guy didn't get the memo.
  5. 1234
  6. Meanwhile, in Arkansas, they use a less advanced de-escalation technique. https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-shows-police-officer-beating-144733981.html
  7. This guy is an asshole overachiever.
  8. I have a pickle throwing train.
  9. Objectively, Law Enforcement let a man with a rifle get off a free shot at the person most likely, or second most likely, to be the next president of the USA. That man got off at least one shot and missed by what, an inch? This is a big fucking deal in many directions. 1. Law enforcement failure. Plain and simple. You don’t put this person somewhere where people can take rifle shots at them. 2. Threat to peaceful transfer of power in USA. Like him or not, we decide leaders at ballot box, not with violence. 3. Potentially a trigger for other bad behavior? Someone out there is angry and thinking about revenge. 4. Message to our allies and enemies? They’re always watching. Things like this change the course of history. Does Trump emerge a sympathetic person to some voters? Does this affect him mentally? Does this limit future rallies?
  10. Breakfast at BEYC was tip top. In case you’re wondering - they’re not uppity Brit’s. They call it jelly, not jam. Leaving BEYC and Tilman Fertitta is sitting on the back of his big ass yacht boardwalk. Helicopter and all. Thought about giving him the finger but I was too busy enjoying my day. Sail over to Anegada. Motoring into channel and daughter says “big turtle.” I didnt realize it but that place is crawling with turtles. I bet we saw a turtle every 5 minutes. Old caribbean and isolated cool things - no cruise line bubba gump shrimp company b.s. Dinner at the lobster trap was decent. Woke up and it was so pretty we stayed another day.
  11. Virgin Gorda - Leverick Bay.
  12. Day 2. Woke up at Cooper Island beach club. Cool little hotel resort, nice restaurant. Combination of wave curl around point and wind backwinding made it just wobbly and bouncy enough to be noticeable. Not uncomfortable but just always there. Slept pretty good not great. Nice breakfast on the boat, and prepare to go into harm’s way. We pull out of mooring field and motor upwind. Wind 15-18 ish. Took about 10 minutes to get main up because I’ve never used lazy jacks and they’re catching battens. They’re both really convenient, and a really awkward device. Main up, single reef (single line reefing is the cat’s pajamas), bear off to about 60degrees off the wind and unfurl the jib
 8.3 kts. Were trucking. I thought we were going to have to tack 3 -5 times but nope. Autohelm on, 11 year old steers with autohelm controller and I adjust sails and we hauled the mail. 7-8.8 the whole way, upwind/close reach. 1 tack when we got past mosquito island, wave at Richard Brandon’s nice ass island, and we’re in. Pull up to Bitter End yacht club 17 year old DJ playing 4th of July playlist - gimme a drink. That was an Extremely rewarding sail. No bullshit flapping, nothing broke, no lines in the water. Just me and my family doing something together. Now I’m Sitting on mooring watching 4ft tarpon roll behind the boat in our blue underwater lights, from the comfort of our air conditioned cabin. So far we’ve used about 40% of our water and 60% of our liquor. thinking about breakfast at BEYC and then Anegada for tomorrow.
  13. Boarded our boat last night. Worn out after long day of flying and airports, cab in St Thomas (guy in front of me raised hell about the fixed price, got in a fight with his wife and everything - mf’er, it’s the Caribbean and they set the prices, you ain’t got no leverage), ferry ride to Tortola which was about as edgy a ferry ride as regular folks can take. Local ladies on the bench next to me were eyes closed white knuckle praying. Drinks and dinner st Moorings and then sleep. I know this is adventure vacation but boat with a/c makes all the difference. Knocks down the humidity. Morning - good coffee shop at moorings, wife went grocery shopping and me and 11 year old did boat briefing. $500 worth of groceries and a lesson on how to pump the honey pot and “you’re good Cap.” Off the dock at 11 - destination Cooper Island. SIr Frances Drake Channel was a washing machine. Heavy swell from the south which I think is rare here, sneaking through Islands and mixing with 25kts and chop from the east. Motor sailed across to sneak up in Lee of islands. Got to Cooper but it was a hard ride. Were really lucky we dodged all this hurricane action but it is still affecting us. Tomorrow - Leverick bay. Bail out plan if it’s too rough - run down to west end of Tortola/Cane Garden bay and drink ourselves blind. @G650 @Sbbruin - I really wanted to load up this boat today and try to lift a hull (it ain’t gonna fly) - I’ve got the itch to push, but my wife will Amex herself and my kids straight out of here if it gets too rough. Day 1 - goodnight.
  14. Arrived STT about 1. Couple of cocktails and then ferry ride to Tortola. That ferry ride looked like the intro to Victory at Sea and there was vomit. Not from me but I’m not claiming any superpower. It was a rough ride. 45 minute ride took 1:25. All this is hurricane swell coming up from the south/Beryl and, although I’m on the boat in Roadtown, I’m not super excited about what we face tomorrow. Might still be a little sporty.
  15. What’s the earliest major hurricane to hit the Texas coast? Is there any reason an early or later hurricane is better? Hotter gulf helps intensify? Hotter land sucks em in?
  16. Airport code - SUX Town - sux too.
  17. Land in STT at 1 on Tuesday. There until following Wednesday.
  18. And now one behind Beryl?
  19. I land in STT at 1:04 on Tuesday so, I’m rooting for a fast mover. Just go on and do your thing #2. Don’t dither about.
  20. The New Braunfels Bucees isnt worth a fuck. Ive come to expect certain things when I go to bucees and one of them is a clean empty stall in which I can set free the “bronc in the chute.” Here, they only have about 10 stalls. Not enough for I-35. Not even close assholes. I don’t want to go into a shit smelling stall where the seat is still hot and sweaty aggy regressing to aggy.
  21. When this guy reads this post he'll question his own faith, if he hasn't started already. ha!
  22. You spelled Shrimp ‘n Stuff wrong.
  23. Condoms was your clue. They don't use 'em on Galvatraz.
  24. Lady Bird Lake asshole. Lady Bird Lake.
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