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El Hornarino

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Everything posted by El Hornarino

  1. IIRC last year Cincinnati was the most penalized team in their conference. How are they wrt that this season?
  2. But this way we can all just assume Oregon was better than OU without having to see them actually settle it on the field.
  3. Would like to see some analysis of performance for this team home and away, or perhaps even looking for deterioration purely by weeks played. My impression was the offense was better at home, and I thought we tended to play better defenses away. But taking a quick look at Adjusted Stats and FEI looks like this: Adjusted PPG Rank, D FEI Rank (Wk14) L Tech - 88, 58 LSU - 15, 20 OSU - 32, 56 Kansas - 83, 108 KSU - 17, 25 T Tech - 66, 83 Home Avg Def - 50.2, 58.3 - Rice - 70, 88 WVU - 48, 76 OU - 24, 70 TCU - 29, 26 ISU - 23, 40 Baylor - 10, 8 Away/Neutral Avg Def - 34, 51.3 -- Averaging them might not have been the best thing to do. But interesting that FEI worked out somewhat similarly, I didn't expect that from the "eye" test. Maybe should have went for PPPs. It still seems to rank some teams fairly differently from FEI though.
  4. This is a good idea, but I don't think exponentiation has been introduced to SEC country yet.
  5. If Tom Herman is fired, we should hire his mentor Michelle Herman.
  6. ESPN doing their Bagdad Bob impersonation. Georgia has been overrated all year. Their defense is decent, but the offense is bad for a ranked team (28th in FEI before this weekend).
  7. Interested to see if the remaining coaches can slap together a semi-competent defense. Obviously the first step is to burn all the pages in the playbook with Egypt blitzes.
  8. This guy would be an amazing hire for them. MU should do everything in their power to get him.
  9. Energy, Commerce, and.. who's the third one? I can't. Sorry. Oops.
  10. He should be fired if he finishes the regular season 7-5 or worse. Unfortunately, he probably won't be.
  11. A patient is most stable when they are dead.
  12. Our offense has been less shitty at home. On the other hand, our coaches have a knack of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. That's probably their core incompetence.
  13. Our thing seems to be hiring coaches based on one or two big games, or maybe one good season. Skipping the useful evaluation.
  14. (Coach Venable) - Coach V's Grades - Baylor - Offense It’s only fair that I admit it’s getting extremely difficult to stomach watching much less grading this sad mess that we call our football program these days... (Coach Venable) - Coach V's Grades - Baylor - Defense I just don’t understand what the hell goes into our thinking under this yahoo disguising our defensive plan of attack...
  15. I agree, we need competent coaching more than the South Endzone. Make it so.
  16. "We're Back to 0.500" in that case.
  17. Rhule playing 4D chess with those comments.
  18. That's actually more likely than our offense picking up at least 3.4 yards on each of those runs in that last series.
  19. The best reason for a move is that he wouldn't have to compete with Ohio State to win his division.
  20. Wayne Brady might be better than Herman.
  21. I'm going to ask Fremeau to add Coaching-FEI to see where we rank.
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