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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. No shit right. The only good 3rd quarter we’ve played in like 8 games and we fucked it by being terrible in the 1st and stupid at the goalline
  2. Look we can appreciate what Quinn did and respect what he helped the program achieve. That doesn’t mean we can’t also see that he just wasn’t quite good enough. Neither of those things has anything to do with Ewers as a person and no one (well other than one guy) is attacking him personally. The goal is to win, he wasn’t good enough to do that. I wish him all success in the future and I am glad to be looking forward to someone else at the QB position.
  3. Thats how playing QB at a big time football program works. If you deliver when it matters that bitching disappears
  4. I think everyone here remembers Chris Simms. That’s kinda the point.
  5. He leads with the stop of the helmet. He launches. Then he follows through with a forearm. It doesn’t make a shit, but it should have been targeting. The picture you posted is clearly leading with the crown.
  6. The crown of a football helmet is the top part of the helmet, from the area above the facemask to the dome. His facemask is pointing to the ground man.
  7. Some examples of targeting include: Launching into an opponent with a hit to the head or neck - check Using the top of the helmet to strike an opponent - check Forcibly hitting a defenseless player in the head or neck area - check Crouching before making a tackle to create maximum force Leading with the helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand, or elbow to attack - check Lowering the head before making a tackle and making forcible contact with the crown of the helmet -check
  8. Yes it was. It used to be called spearing.
  9. Dumb as dirt
  10. Dumb. Who cares. He smiled and said good game.
  11. Then eat the football. Literally just don’t fumble. That’s the only requirement. Now do all of Quinn’s other TOs this season.
  12. I don’t even think he has to relinquish it entirely but he certainly needs some kind of support or someone that he respects enough to check him. Or maybe just someone to help him design a more effective plan overall in the red zone.
  13. I wish he had decided to do that here. Does his NFL career win us this years CFP? And also, what exactly is going on? What’s your point?
  14. yup, knew the pressure was there but as usual had no real feel for what to do.
  15. Had this exact convo tonight. Elite culture, elite recruiting, elite face of the program, elite talent, very not elite gameday
  16. Cool. Chris Simms had a bunch of records at one point too. The goal is to win. His QB rating is better than VY, he must be better than VY.
  17. Ah I misunderstood. You’re correct. But an elite Qb wins with this team this year imo.
  18. We used to be bad so we should be thankful to be almost good enough. Loser mentality
  19. By making a decision to do something with the football before you’re being hit. You can tuck it, you can throw it, you can roll it outta bounds for all I care. What you can’t do is get caught with the ball unsecured. This ain’t about one play. It’s about what he has done consistently which is turn the ball over. He doesn’t play clean games.
  20. Cam should have blocked, Quinn shouldn’t have fumbled. This isn’t that hard. “ he played a clean game until” is a pretty common refrain this season.
  21. I mentioned it in the game thread but nothing has been said. Wish we would have seen him at the goal line but maybe this is why not. If it’s not then we truly are stupid.
  22. Will Howard was better than he was tonight. Why do I care about the quarterfinals?
  23. I don’t think it’s too much to ask your quarterback to not turnover the ball every single game. What is it 5 games in a row now throwing a pick?
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