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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. It’s gotta be Lloyd. That seems to be the clear best fit imo. We shoulda done this last year.
  2. Horrible horrible loss. Fuck
  3. I don’t think Tre jones is looking for the herb jones career path
  4. My question as well. Obviously we have the most robust military and defense in the history of the world but we pretend these rest of NATO is playing with hot wheels. The only threat to the rest of nato would be China. Basically I don’t see a reason why they wouldn’t side with Canada and tell the US to enjoy the Make America Great Depression Again.
  5. Why wouldn’t he do that? The US is making it clear that Canada is no longer an ally.
  6. I didn’t think whitehead was even close to being back? @Hookem2147
  7. AD is 31 years old. He is not at the peak of his prime and is a fringe top 10 player at this point. Luka is a top 3 player that is yet to enter his prime. There is no spinning this as anything other than one of the worst trades in league history
  8. Man how good is he. Is it crazy to say he’s the best #6 in the league and is on a pretty short list for best in Europe? He’s been incredible
  9. Riojas was a starter for UTSA last year right? Volantis and Howard both left a good amount to be desired imo.
  10. Hey you don’t talk about Jack like that. We’re all lucky to get to watch him.
  11. That’s the goal. Elmo out front shoulda told you.
  12. Winfield looks pretty athletic despite getting gunned down there. Gotta think he’s more likely to lead of than Schuessler right?
  13. He just can’t go inside to anyone with consistency Ruger looks as advertised. Sitting at 94 on the FB
  14. The kid and I were both ditching clothes during the throw around. Looks like Cody Howard is the same as last year
  15. Turnout seems pretty high this year. Def up from the last couple seasons
  16. Stop giving free crosses
  17. 1 more sleep fellas. Probably the most excited I’ve been going into a season since the Augie years.
  18. Last time I went the line was down the patio but it only took maybe 25 mins. Woulda been faster had the dude in front of me not had to be explained how to order by the pound.
  19. That step back was filthy. and the 3
  20. Mean was watching him be an everyday starter for two years.
  21. Seriously who the fuck invited O’Dowd back for the alumni game. As though he wasn’t frustrating enough to watch the last 3 years now we are subjected to more of him?
  22. Demi is gonna win. Maybe Torres but probably not
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