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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. If it’s 80-0 there’s much cheaper places for me to get a drink than DKR. Especially if you called timeout with 13 seconds left lol.
  2. It’s news to you that a guy named Shapiro is Jewish? But we should believe you that he would cost the Dems Michigan?
  3. Cool story. Shapiro would not lose you Michigan. That’s ridiculous.
  4. Shapiro would not lose you Michigan. Thats ridiculous.
  5. I’d much rather put Pennsylvania in the bag than take a governor from Kentucky.
  6. How’s that a mistake. Hes from a state we won’t win and has less name recognition than basically all the other contenders
  7. lol wut? The founding fathers knew about AR15s? You seem smart
  8. She was in the process of saying something along the lines of that. Seems a little strange to call for firing before she knows the facts.
  9. What exactly did you think she was going to say?
  10. Then he shouldn’t have had access to it. I dunno if you’re aware but there’s a gun control problem in this country.
  11. Based on having a vagina. Thats what these people have been harping on since the day of.
  12. Imagine being so stupid that you posted this.
  13. Trump will not get 30% of the black male vote.
  14. It doesn’t make sense. There’s not even an argument to be made.
  15. Possible. But that won’t resonate in Pennsylvania. Which is really all that matters. Kamala is I’ll be plenty strong in all the other swings.
  16. It’s Shapiro. It has to be Shapiro. Anyone else is legit a mistake. Shapiro locks up the most important state in this coming election.
  17. Y’all got to stop watching CNN. It’s a full blown propaganda org now.
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