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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. I think y’all need to accept the fact that Joe Biden is going to be the nominee.
  2. Thats what I mean. And all because your husband was a “devout” republican. Imagine describing yourself as religious about a political party. Pretty good glimpse into the brain of the standard maga supporter.
  3. It’s not just about Trump at this point. The Republican Party has been pretty open about their disinterest in accepting elections going forward. I also don’t see any reason that Trump gives a shit about the two terms and I imagine scotus can lie their way into any ruling they want at this point. If Trump said nah fuck all that, what mechanism is actually going to stop him? He committed a fucking coup last time and he’s running again. Our system doesn’t seem to be willing or able to do anything about someone just ignoring the law.
  4. 100%. Ace should some velo back, he clearly knows how to pound the strikezone. With better coaching I see no reason he can’t be a weekend starter again. I’d much rather have him first outta the bullpen or closer. Depends on what happens with Mercer
  5. If Trump wins, why would there be a peaceful transition of power in ‘29 when there wasn’t one in 21’?
  6. I don’t think he’s hurting for money Hes old
  7. Yea I dunno if a lot of VP picks have referred to the top of their ticket as “Hitler”. same same
  8. What do we think his role would be?
  9. That seems like way too much thought for someone who would vote Trump
  10. Holy shit. That alone makes this team pretty fucking salty all the sudden
  11. I’m sure you can explain the difference in the senate splits then.
  12. No no no. My apologies. I just mean that sounds like bullshit put out by the campaign to make him seem tough.
  13. Jared is 100% gone.
  14. I don’t think he exists, but if he does there’s no doubt he sucks
  15. I’m sure it does. Anytime you’d like to post a rational thought feel. What happened to your evil media screed? Had to move past that pretty quick huh
  16. Totes. I’m sure you’ll be here with your feels. Why do I have to wait until November to discuss your smooth brain? Every post you make opens the discussion.
  17. @David Dennison lots of feels. Thats how he knows. Tell us more about the New York post you smooth brained fuckhead.
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