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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 59 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    No, they believe they are something that they are not. 

    No you just refuse to accept the facts as established by the trained professionals whose job it is to study these things. I’m so shocked though that you ignore experts in favor of your own bigotry.

  2. 1 hour ago, Chrispy said:

    I do think transgender individuals are mentally ill, there’s a reason their suicide rates are so high. I’d be extremely uncomfortable with a male entering the bathroom with my wife or daughter, maybe less so if he’s had reassignment surgery, but how could one know? It’s not about hate, it’s about normalization of abnormal behavior. 

    You can think they are mentally ill all you want but you’re just ignorant of the facts if you’re doing so.

  3. 1 hour ago, Elvis said:

    An absurd waste of everyone's time and money to accommodate the smallest fraction of a percentage of the mentally ill population.  SJW eff off.

    I wonder why the doctors don’t seem to think it’s a mental illness? Of course you know better than the damn Lib doctors with their fancy degrees

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Against my better judgment: Perhaps you should explain it to me.

    the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change

  5. 6 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Cherokee nation pissed she's trying to steal their wampum.


    I had a friend, a number of years ago, who discovered that his kids were 1/8th "indian" and were going to get free college. I asked about details, like did he register them or anything in the way of proof. Nope. Being the diplomat that I am, I mentally noted that they weren't the least bit native american and I was appalled by the naked attempt at graft and fakery.

    But then I don't think skin color is relevant to understanding a person and their character. You know, Martin Luther King's position.

    Oh you. Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

  6. 1 minute ago, Lobo said:

    his museum was built at the end of the Cold War, so I'm wondering where the recasting was in that story?.  And all those British and U.S. officers who made a trip to his grave are apparently nazi-symphatizers since they openly supported an officer who was in the opinion of this learned body...a war criminal.  I look forward to telling three West Point instructors tomorrow that everything they know...is wrong.  

    Yea propaganda works. What are you not getting?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I can only assume you have a tome of Rommel's war crimes?  If he helped murder millions of innocent people, surely that is documented somewhere...right?  You are intellectually lazy and picked a prominent German military leader based on a google search because of your limited education and intellectual prowess.  I've simply taken to listing facts about him and you can't get out of the corner you painted yourself in.  I can honestly get you into a room with a handful of respected Allied war college instructors and I want to see your presentation.  The British helped build him a museum you shit for brains.  And you tell me to shut the fuck up?  

    I’m not the one who brought up Rommel but I guess your super intellect and education has trouble keeping up.

    And yea see when he lead the German military against allied forces he was doing so to protect Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was in the middle of a genocide. So yea he helped. 

    Your only facts are things that are actively disputed. In fact there is plenty of research and documentation that shows the Rommel you speak of was actually a creation of Nazi propaganda.

    So yea, shut the fuck up

  8. 14 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Okay, point taken.  I wonder if some of you realize that thousands upon thousands of Allied officers vehemently disagree with you and they were there and you barely understand WWII history.  You really think it's just a wild coincidence that the records of every Italian, Japanese, and German general officer have been poured over and that Rommel's just "slipped through the cracks"?  You are literally disagreeing with the official position at a half dozen Allied war colleges to this day.  But you must know more than they do.  And any officer who leads a nation during a war is automatically taking up the positions of that nation's in-power political party?  That is literally your contention.  Any general officer who operates a command during a controversial party ruling is worse than the general membership of that party.  Tell me how that's different than what you just said.  


    Shut the fuck up. He helped in the improsonment, torture, and genocide of millions of people but I guess that’s ok cuz he was just following orders right?

    And for someone who seems to consider themselves so superior in knowledge about Rommel I’m surprised you haven’t heard of the Rommel myth. Maybe do a bit more research.

  9. Just now, Lobo said:

    There aren't any anymore, so you'll be hard pressed to encourage it.  Way to joke about suicide too by the way, hilarious stuff.  There are people in the world who know Rommel wasn't a Nazi, Trump is a horrible human being and President, Kavanaugh won't make a great Justice, and Hillary Clinton is overrated.  They're called people with a modicum of intelligence.  By the way,

    I'm also Jewish.  Your comical lack of knowledge about WWII is enough to make me wish you good day and I suppose we should get back to the business of Kanye on here.  

    Oh I’m not joking about suicide. I’m deadly serious that anyone defending Nazi’s or any Nazi’s should kill themselves.

    • Like 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    And thank you to Hobbes for encouraging suicide.  Pointing out facts is not the same as defending him.  Again, by your outstanding logic...several thousand officers of various Allied Forces who allowed his museum and visited his grave should have killed themselves for defending him, right?  Everyone that fights for a country during a war automatically belongs to that nation's in-power political party?   You're also gonna be really surprised when you find out why Rommel wasn't at Normandy.  He wasn't busy murdering Jews, it was his wife's birthday.  Christ, do you read books ever?  

    Is this moronic leap in logic that developed our current political climate.  All white people right of center in America are Nazis according to scholars of history like Hobbes.  And all people left of center are anti-American socialists in the eyes of Trump Supporters.  This is how we get here, by ignoring history, mental shortcuts, and telling people who recognize factual nuance in history that they should take their own lives whenever possible.  Outstanding stuff Hobbes.  You are officially dumber than Kanye West.  At least he gets money and a hot wife out of insanity.  What'd you get?  

    Nope not all right of center white people are Nazi’s. The guy leading Hitler’s army is though. 

    Oh and I get the satisfaction of not being on the side of those who committed one of the worst atrocities in human history. 


  11. 1 minute ago, Lobo said:

    And thank you to Hobbes for encouraging suicide.  Pointing out facts is not the same as defending him.  Again, by your outstanding logic...several thousand officers of various Allied Forces who allowed his museum and visited his grave should have killed themselves for defending him, right?  Everyone that fights for a country during a war automatically belongs to that nation's in-power political party?   You're also gonna be really surprised when you find out why Rommel wasn't at Normandy.  He wasn't busy murdering Jews, it was his wife's birthday.  Christ, do you read books ever?  

    Is this moronic leap in logic that developed our current political climate.  All white people right of center in America are Nazis according to scholars of history like Hobbes.  And all people left of center are anti-American socialists in the eyes of Trump Supporters.  This is how we get here, by ignoring history, mental shortcuts, and telling people who recognize factual nuance in history that they should take their own lives whenever possible.  Outstanding stuff Hobbes.  You are officially dumber than Kanye West.  At least he gets money and a hot wife out of insanity.  What'd you get?  

    I’ll encourage suicide for Nazis

  12. Just now, Lobo said:

    I do and you do, his claim is that anyone and everyone who defended Germany was a Nazi.  He says it several times in several ways.  

    Quote it.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Over 1,000,000 non-Germans fought for the Waffen-SS and Wermacht proper.  Certainly many of those were Nazi sympathizers, but hundreds of thousands were conscripted from occupied portions of the Reich.  More conscripted, non-Germans fought to defend Nazi Germany than are currently in the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps...combined.  By your outstanding logic, these forced military combatants were Nazis to you?  

    He lead the defense at Normandy. He’s not some conscripted guy from Poland. He a fucking German field Marshall who lead the army of Adolf Hitler against he allied forces a Normandy. He’s a fucking enabler of the holocaust at best.

    Anyone defending him can do exactly what he did and kill themselves.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Was he defending a country and a people, or was he physically defending a political party?  I'm the moron?  You really think the British and Americans would visit his grave every year because he was a Nazi?  

    You're saying that everyone who took up arms to defend Germany after the 1942 pushback on the Eastern Front was a Nazi?  Despite their role in the party or lack thereof?  Serious question.  


    Did he lead an army against the allied forces in order to support the goals of the third reich? He might not have been a party member but I don’t feel the need to distinguish between party members and people who fought in behalf of Adolf fucking Hitler

  15. 13 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Again, you're gonna have to remind us how someone who was neither a member of the Nazi Party nor the SS, and who tried to murder the figure-head of the Nazi party was a Nazi.  Nazi was the name given to members of a particular political party in a particular place and time.  There were 70,000,000 people in Germany in WWII.  There were never 70,000,000 members of the Nazi Party.  I'm still completely unclear as to how Rommel was a Nazi.  

    Actually, to even further sidetrack this thread---let me ask you a question.  list the ways in which all German Heer officers were Nazis.  Demonstrate, using examples and facts where appropriate, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel was a formal member of the Nazi Party and lived and breathed their ideology.  I'll hang up and listen.  

    He supported the Nazi rise to power although he wasn’t a party member. He also did this thing where he lead an army to defend Nazi Germany from the allies. So yea he’s a Nazi. You’re a fucking moron

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