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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bodowned said:

    just seems like there's an incomprehensible amount of grass between our forwards and the rest of our team. there is no support and we are outnumbered 8 to 4 in the center of the field at any given moment when trying to attack.

    Nailed it. Need Shaqiri for Gini or Milner

  2. 1 minute ago, MixtyMotions said:

    I did not.  There is the core question of whether the attackers would have caused billions in damages had they not been stopped.  I don't know the answer to that and I'll guess they probably would not have. 


    I said exactly what I said.  I stand behind what I said.  You get billions in damages or police dogs and fire hoses.  It's a hypothetical.  Choose.  I did not defend Birmingham unless the facts fit my hypothetical.

    I’ll take the damages and insurance thanks. You’re a piece of shit as per usual. New board, same Tahoe.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Js1 said:

    This board probably started on HornsFans under Bush (shitshow of a war that led to a recession), then moved to Shaggy (BIRTHERISM! Kenyan Muslim Socialist! DURRR TRUMP!) to now.  If so, it's been a hell of a 2 decades of being a Republican. Woof.

    I think you can take the progression of a lot of the same posters that have not gotten more liberal, but watched the GOP get more stupid and run further to the right.

    Most posters haven’t even gotten more liberal. Most still believe in small government and fiscal responsibility.

    Most posters don’t believe that sexual assault is ok. Or that kids in cages is ok. Or that conspiring with Russia is ok.

    Its almost like some people are smart and others got conned. I’m sure we can all tell who’s who

    • Like 4
  4. Just now, Fozzz said:

    You are painting with too broad a brush.  Christianity, and religion generally, is obviously not always a force for evil.  Because bigots will often cloak their bigotry and hatred in their religion as a way of defending their shitty beliefs doesn't make religion intrinsically bad.  

    Religion is intrinsically bad because it teaches people to ignore critical thinking in favor of fairy tales.

    Im not going to derail the thread about this but religion is flawed at a fundamental level.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Amobie said:

    That's not the problem at all.  The reason the "right" is defending him against these accusations is because they simply don't believe them.  The left has cried wolf too many times.  It literally didn't matter who Trump nominated, the left was going to oppose them.  By doing so (and saying it openly) it undermined the credibility of all accusations and criticisms.stop-barrett-stop-kavanaugh-rally.jpg

    Please list all of the times the left cried wolf?

    Was it Obama’s birth certificate? Hillary’s emails? Vince Foster? Benghazi? Tan suit? Fancy mustard? Pizzagate?

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