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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Please explain your comment "I don’t give a shit whether the purpose is to truly gather information."  I followed the chain, and see nothing to refute that what you posted isn't what you meant.  As I understand it, in a confirmation hearing that's precisely what they're intended to do.  I get the sense from many that they're only to be used as a way to sabotage a conformation, and that they have not a single problem with that.

    I'd love to be able to make a decision about what I think is the accurate account of the incident, and whether it really happened. The jump for or against this guy falls along hard party lines, which means jack shit where actual truth is involved.

    The debate was “is this a trial” which it is not. The “I don’t give a shit” line means I don’t care about his argument of whether or not they are trying to gather information, or if they are just trying to tear someone down, or anything else that has nothing to do with the original debate. He attempted to change the argument from “is this a trial” to “is this a political show”. The context of my reply is that I don’t care if it’s a political show IN THIS DISCUSSION because it has nothing to do with the argument at hand.

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  2. Just now, Crusher said:

    "I don’t give a shit whether the purpose is to truly gather information."

    After that quote why should I engage with you? You have made your point clear. You will not listen to a reasonable argument. All I have ever tried to do is state my opinions in a respectful manner. I never attacked you in personal way. Until now.

    FUCK YOU !!!

    You know what you said . Own up and be a man.

    I do know what I said. Do you know what context is and what the discussion was about?

  3. Just now, Crusher said:

    "I don’t give a shit whether the purpose is to truly gather information."

    Since you still struggle to understand the debate or just context in general, do you think this is a trial and should trial procedures be followed. Why or why not?

    God damn I didn’t think I would have to explain the basic functions of debate today

  4. 4 minutes ago, Crusher said:

    Don't think so.


    Let me simplify. You argued this should follow the regular rules of a trial.

    My counter was that It’s not a trial therefor it does not and should not. This is what the debate was about before you decided to abandon this argument

    I then stated it’s purpose was to gather information.

    You countered saying it is not about gathering information.

    I then said I don’t care if it is or not because that’s not even the fucking discussion you fucking moron


  5. Just now, Crusher said:

    "I don’t give a shit whether the purpose is to truly gather information."

    Don't really see any other way to interpret the words you typed? Unless there is another version of English. Perhaps English 2.0?

    Perhaps read your previous statements and mine. The point sailed right over you there champ.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Crusher said:

    "I don’t give a shit whether the purpose is to truly gather information."

    Well there you have it. You don't care about the truth. You are just using this woman to advance you own political agenda. Thanks for admitting the truth for a change.

    Thanks for proving you struggle to comprehend English.

    Understand the context next time before you try to be witty. 

    And I guess you’ve completely abandoned the actual debate lol.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Crusher said:

    Do you really think a committee hearing in this day and age is about getting information? It's about destroying the other party's candidate. It didn't used to be this way.  Look at past votes on Supreme Court Justices. Hell, Ginsburg was 96-3 and she is about far left as any of you fucking communists could come up with in your wet dreams.


    I wish the people of the USA could come to some kind of agreement in the future. If we don't I fear we will destroy the greatest experiment in democracy that the world has ever seen. I am 50 yro. This is our time. This our responsibility. If we fuck this up we have no one to blame but ourselves.

    Ok? So how does that support your claim that Kavanaugh should be able to face his accuser? Or that she should have to testify first? I don’t give a shit whether the purpose is to truly gather information. You felt is was straight out of USSR that she asked to testify second. Again, this is not a trial so the trial rules don’t apply.

    How many of those past judges had rape allegations? And those poor republicans being bullied by the mean dems.

    The great experiment has already been destroyed. Fuck sticks like you voted for he poison pill to push us past the point of no return


  8. 14 minutes ago, berlinerbaer said:

    Ted has the numbers advantage, so his strategy is to play it safe. Considering who is registered and who generally shows up to vote, he gets to be his usual, shitty self. The base is all that counts and everyone else can fuck right off. 

    Beto knows he only wins by appealing to as many different types of people as possible. Mission accomplished, although his task is still daunting.

    Overall, I give Beto the nod, since he gains name recognition just by being on the tube or the radio, and name recognition is what he's still lacking.

    Beto is likely going to lose but he has laid out the strategy moving forward. It will take more than one guy and probably more name recognition to really flip a Texas seat but he’s shown how to be competitive 

  9. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:


    Yeah. I mean I’ve never understood why Texas is different than California or New York either.


    You’re better than that. Don’t be intentionally obtuse.

  10. Just now, Crusher said:

    So judicial rules don't apply anymore?

    Well a lot of the deplorables and outright morons in the USA...USA...USA. Have made up their minds. We will see if the Dem strategy or the Reps ends up working here.

    Not really no. This isn’t a trial. This a committee hearing. The goal is to get as much information as possible about he candidate not conduct a trial. This is pretty simple guy.

    And we sure as shit shouldn’t be doing anything resembling a criminal trial when the fucking witness isn’t being asked to testify. 

  11. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Me thinks there’s a lot of other embarrassing shit in Kavanaugh’s past that is going to come out if they proceed with this nomination.

    That’s why they didn’t want the FBI to investigate this. 

    Like “no means yes and yes means anal”. We don’t even need the background check for evidence of this dude being a piece of shit.

  12. 4 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Republicans nowadays hate higher education and successful and rich American cities. The people that populate those areas aren’t stupid enough to vote republican. They prefer ignorance and poor people who vote against their own self interest because the browns have taken over their strawberry pickin’ jobs. 

    Yep. It really is that simple

  13. 2 minutes ago, Crusher said:


    Your obviously not that much of a dolt. I have read your posts around here and at Shaggy. You are a smart guy.  So I will answer your question. With several questions..

    Do you really think it would have ended there with just Thursday? No more ridiculous demands? No Senators asking questions? No Kavanaugh in the room. What happened to be able to face your accuser? Then the most egregious demand...he testifies first?  That is straight from the USSR playbook.


    Well this isn’t a trial so...

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