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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 12 minutes ago, maninblack said:

    This 3 started together once, against Leicester, and were pure dog shit in that match. Today has been a 180 thus far.

    Really referring mainly to Gini and Milner this season. But you are right. Henderson has been great and the other two are running circles around PSG

  2. Just now, SubliminalHorn said:

    Why do you feel like you need to know everything the IC is involved in?

    Because he doesn’t believe the government should keep secrets from its citizens. I tend to agree with him there however it’s a bit utopian imo. They will always hide things from us and, while unfortunate, thems the breaks

  3. 3 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Agreed. It’s gotten progressively worse from West Mall onwards. Posters you used to see frequent the West Mall or earlier days of Shaggy don’t even bother to post in the politics board. I don’t care that I have unpopular opinions or ragged on or made fun of for tailored jerseys on the other boards. The atmosphere in this politics board just sucks and I’m no Trumpkin. I’m fucking voting for Beto and voted for Kerry and Obama in the past.

    Then don’t post or read. This is pretty simple. No one forces you to read or post here. Those of us that post regularly here have plenty of disagreements and for the most part we debate them just fine. The only people who have issue are those that troll this board.

    And I’m not sure what any of this has to do with the nomination if Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Call them out for their hypocrisy then. Don’t try to crowdsource ban them like with greggym. I like seeing different viewpoints. I don’t like ganging up on non-trolls

    People who refuse to accept facts as such are in fact trolls

  5. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The most baffling thing to me is the inability of the “conservatives” of this board to see this is the time to punt on Kavanaugh.

    It’s okay to punt, you can still win.

    If you really cared about the conservative movement, you’d recognize this situation is toxic AF and will only get worse over the week.  

    Just get a new guy lined up and make him a winner. 

    It’s like riding the Scott Pruitt horse forever despite plenty of adequate replacements, except this is worse.

    They can’t punt because this guy is the protection. There’s a clear reason for him, and him alone, being the guy. 

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Yeah, so regarding the declassification I'm gonna go with "Good".  The primary negative aspect here is that Trump gets to selectively pick and choose whatever supports his chosen narrative.  I hope that someone goes rogue at the FBI and leaks broad documents and evidence related to the FISA system generally and this investigation specifically. I would prefer that Mueller wrapped up before this all goes down, but that ain't gonna happen. They ain't gonna read the American people in on the full picture. 

    Sources and methods. In the middle of an ongoing national security investigation I would prefer we don’t burn our sources

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Do y’all really like what this board has become? I rarely come to check the threads here because there isn’t even a real back and forth anymore. You’ve got Hugo and his socks and Johnny Sack’s stupid retorts. At least I am giving you my thought process. Those of you who remember the West Mall on hornfans know what a shit show this board is comparison. When greggym, who has been around since hornfans, almost gets crowdsourced banned that should be a canary in the coal mine with regard to the lack of real diversity of opinion.

    Diversity of opinion does not mean we have to tolerate those who support rape. The board is fine. The opinions of gregggym and Johnny sack are not and have no place in society or here.

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    • Fuck You 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    And that's different than what the DNC would do how ?  Cause their history has been to circle the wagons around the candidate just like the GOP is doing now.  Please stop with the DNC is a knight in shining armor mythology.

    Oh I guess I missed the part where I praised the DNC. But since you brought it up, the DNC ran Franken out of the Senate. 

  9. 30 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Let’s say someone out of the woodwork claims you’re a bully to them while you were a freshman in high school when you really just teased them. How do you defend something that you may or may not have done decades ago and which you don’t have a pattern of committing such acts to corroborate. I can only imagine how helpless and frustrating that feels when you have a whole adult life that in no way reflects such accusation. I really feel for the guy.

    You apologize and ask for forgiveness. That’s what rational people do. The GOP decides to attack the person who faced the attempted rape

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, FondrenRoad said:

    It is weird that VMW came out of the woodwork for this. He was maybe the best Trump troll and played the edge very well. Kind of sorry to see him go down over this. But most of the other trolls already went down.  If Trump isnt careful, he is gonna have to put Onboard on the payroll pretty soon.

    Why is it weird? It seems like rapey dudes have each other’s back.

  11. Just now, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    None of your business but she has a job and post-graduate education. She makes 6 figures, so she is financially stable without my contributions. 

    Ah so you’re worried she will leave when she finds out you’re pro-rape. Thats why you hide it from her. Got it

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