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Posts posted by hobbes2702

  1. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    What the fuck is going on here. 

    Beto drove drunk.

    Jimmy Jazz may or may not fuck dudes. Lulz

    VMW supports rape and may or may not be a rapist.


    Edit: Also not sure who he think JJ is. My joke being that no one cares whose gay or not.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    You have said your gay before, nice try. Also, no matter how hard you try, Im not a rapist, in fact, I am married and have been for quite some time. 

    Why does it matter if he’s gay or not?

     Does your wife know you support rape?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Im sure your parents are real proud of you ending the family lineage by deciding to play with other guys dicks for fun. What an accomplishment. Enjoy being a genetic dead end while you bite pillows for all the guys plowing you. 

    Do you think that calling someone gay is an insult? It’s 2018 lol. No one cares. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Exactly, you know and can willingly or not vote for Beto. And you will choose to, how sad. 

    Oh and now every guy who isnt a flaming homosexual like you is "rapey." I bet real men scare you, too much testosterone, they are all rapists huh? Dont attack my character ever again you fucking piece of shit.  

    Speak for yourself douchebag. You’re a rape enabler. Might as well embrace it rapist.

  5. 1 minute ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    You don't accidentally drive drunk. You know you drank, and how much you drank. Maybe you get black out drunk who knows. You trying  to excuse his behavior during and after the incident shows what a bizarre person you show yourself to be.  I'm sure Teddy K. was just being a silly goose when he drove off with Mary Joe..... 

    Sorry I’m just trying to understand how Beto and Ted Kennedy driving drunk has anything to do with Kavanaugh and his nomination.

    But while we are here... was it accidental when Kavanaugh tried to rape someone or no?

  6. 43 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    I realize that virtually all of us can look at our past and find one or more instances where if we look at things form the woman's perspectives we were using our strength, body positioning, etc., in ways that could be deemed as forcing or cornering the woman.  But jesus h. christs, hands over her mouth?

    That's rotten, I don't care how much you've been drinking, shit.

    Speak for yourself there champ. No is pretty simple.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    As is often the case, one must ask "what is the cause, and what is the effect?"

    Did big business suddenly decide to go rogue and develop a bunch of binary media outlets to which the public responded, or did the public begin to polarize which big business reacted to?

    The answer is usually "follow the money".  Alternatively, consider "supply and demand".  The technology which enabled the echo chamber media outlets is somewhat new, but the utilization of that technology for anything beyond cat videos and recipes almost surely was a response to demand. 

    To be honest, I don't actually think it's that clear-cut.  It's my belief that the American public began to polarize, and technology started to surface which enabled small media outlets to serve those polarized demographics.  As time went on and what had been simply a mild explosion from over-the-air network TV programming to cable news suddenly morphed into a shit ton of cable news and syndicated radio.  Eventually fax, email and the internet started to become more widespread.  Small pockets of echo grew into bigger groups that self-reinforced, which attracted more providers, which drove more demand, and before you knew it, here we were, never to return.

    Don’t feed him.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    exactly. if Mueller is able to prove that Russia did this and a new Congress and President are in place, the sanctions could be so severe it will force Putin from power. The only person that should be more concerned about Manafort flipping than Trump is Putin. 

    There is a reason he wants to Magnitsky Act overturned. The Oligarchs stay in line right now because of fear and wealth. Take their wealth, or at least their ability to spend, and they will be a lot less fearful of Vlad. He only controls the oligarchs while the money flows. It stops and they look for someone else to steal with.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, retread said:

    Seems like Putin's big concerns are political pressure from within that might topple him in the future. Externally, he has taken Crimea, hacked into the DNC/State Dept/WH/2016 elections, and more, and he basically says, "What are you gonna do about it?" So far, the answer is that we're not going to do anything of substance.

    He probably thinks he's safe as long as he maintains power and order at home. If that involves some accidental defenestrations, so be it.

    Are there potentially things that Mueller's investigation would reveal that would threaten Putin's power?

    Putin will have trouble maintaining power if the Oligarchs are unable to get their money out of Russia.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Im not old, Im actually quite young, but here we go again. I am some low IQ elderly dirtbag about to croak. Does the left ever not talk down to someone in a political debate? A smug arrogant person calling me smug. What a time to be alive, I got a good kick out of that. 

    It seems to only be stupid people that feel talked down to.

  11. Just now, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Im not gonna play this game, he is a radical socialist. You like the guy and yes, you yourself are a huge radical. You are what is wrong with the left. All you do here is peddle your socialist shit. Go to Cuba and let me know how it is. Take bad teammate with you. 

    “I lost so I’m not gonna play anymore. You guys are the losers.”


  12. 6 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Whoosh, right over your head. You proved my point. I rightfully find socialism to be radical. You fail to see how calling a major political party supported by half the country radical is laughable. "Basically you just said, Im smart and they are so stupid because they dont see it my way." And you wonder why there is political divide. 

    Oh no I’m not saying I’m smart in any way shape or form. I’m saying anyone calling themselves a Republican today is radical and stupid. 

    There is political divide because the Republican Party radicalized its base around racism, misogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia. Those that are left as Republicans are radical. This isn’t that hard.

    Separating kids at the border is radical.

    Banning Muslims is radical.

    Threatening NATO is radical.

    Failing to disavow Nazi’s is radical.

  13. Just now, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    And that is why this country is so divided. You think republican is a radical position. I think socialist is radical. I have never thought being liberal was radical. I would take Hillary over Sanders all day. But nope, you have to have it so half the country is just a bunch of inbred morons. Not a smart position to take. 

    Hmmmm, one of those two is a major political party in this country. The other is not...

    Being conservative is not radical. Being Republican is. I would prefer that the half of the country which is inbred morons would wake the fuck up and stop bowing down to an authoritarian wannabe. But that would require them to understand facts and reason which the Republicans abandoned long ago.

  14. 1 hour ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Everyone I dont agree with is a racist, wait he must be a Nazi, just kidding, he is a bot, but maybe he is just a moron. 

    Whew, must get exhausting trying to figure out which one I must be today. Nobody could possibly be a republican and not sniff paint chips and have the IQ of Ricky Bobby. 

    Why not all of the above in your case?

    And you’re right. No one could possibly be a Republican unless they sniff paint chips and have the IQ of Ricky Bobby

  15. 14 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    I dare a Dem president to try and make up more positions for the court, let's see how that one plays out. Hint: It wont be pretty

    Based on what exactly? The GOP is pushing the country towards a single party for the foreseeable future. It’s either going to be Republican control of everything at the expense of Democracy or the Dems are going to own national government for the next twenty years

  16. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    This part doesn't bother me as much.  It's always been fuck you, pay me.  That's just 'murica and will never change.  The biggest problem to me is their willingness to accept flat out lies to that end.  Not political puffery, over-promises, and sly half-truths, which have been part of politics and human nature forever.  I'm talking about flat out fucking lies.  Things that can be proven unequivocally to be lies.  And the absolute most concerning is that it's not just a fringe group.  This mother fucker is still somewhere like 80-90% approval among Republicans.  A full fucking political party which supports it.  That is what scares the ever living shit out of me.  And I'm just about where bamachick is.  At this point anyone who supports this fucking guy is flat out deplorable.  There is no rationale that makes it acceptable to support him, at all.

    This. Stop trying to pretend we have to speak to the Trumpkins. Anyone who supports his at this point is complicit in his criminality against this country. Fuck them.

    • Like 3
  17. Anyone playing it?

    Got the early edition and been playing a few days. Offense seems impossible for me in MyCareer. 

    Game feels much better than previous years with fewer glitchy moments.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Sen. Rand Paul floated the possibility of a dialogue with Russia about keeping NATO from further expanding its umbrella into Eastern Europe.

    The Kentucky Republican, who recently returned from a trip to Russia for meetings with Russian lawmakers, suggested that the country’s leaders may have fears of NATO seeking to go as far as expanding into Georgia and Ukraine.

    “Sanctions are sort of the stick, and the question is what is the carrot. I would say that one of the carrots might be considering whether or not we continue to insist that Ukraine and Georgia be in NATO,” Paul said. “I think that if you really wanted to influence Russia’s behavior and you were talking in a one-to-one basis with Russia and you were to have some sort of agreement, I think an agreement not to have Ukraine and Georgia in NATO might lead to less conflict in both Ukraine and Georgia.”

    Paul was speaking at a Foreign Relations Committee hearing on U.S.-Russian relations featuring testimony from both the State Department and the Department of the Treasury.

    Paul’s questions and commentary were much different from Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle who took a harder line toward President Vladimir Putin. But Paul asked whether the existing U.S. sanctions regime is working and what an alternative might look like.

    “A really important question that we have to ask is: do sanctions change behavior? And so, without the answer to that, I think we can’t really decide whether we want more sanctions,” Paul said. “I think one possibility is that they don’t work, and if they don’t work, what is the result of sanctions?”

    The Kentucky Republican suggested the Putin government could become more closely aligned with China as a result of economic pressure by the United States.

    “I think there are arguments to be made that perhaps more sanctions aren’t the way to go,” Paul said.

    Paul has said previously that he would be bringing up with President Donald Trump the possibility of easing sanctions to allow members of the Russian parliament to come to Washington, D.C., as part of exchanges.

    Trump played golf with Paul over the weekend at the president’s country club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

    He made a similar statement during his remarks at the Foreign Relations panel on Tuesday morning. The hearing came following revelations by Microsoft about recent Russian-backed hacking efforts.

    “Whether or not there’s any element of the sanctions where we would be willing to negotiate lessening of sanctions in exchange for maybe a smaller change of behavior. If we wait for Russia to leave Crimea to lift any sanctions, we may well be waiting ’til the end of time,” Paul said.

    Fucking insane. The list of plausible explanations has evaporated. They are complicit as a party. They are a criminal organization working with the Russian mafia to undermine Democracy around the world in order to maintain power. It’s just amazing that Donald fucking Trump is the guy who flipped them. 

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