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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. Last time I went the line was down the patio but it only took maybe 25 mins. Woulda been faster had the dude in front of me not had to be explained how to order by the pound.
  2. That step back was filthy. and the 3
  3. Mean was watching him be an everyday starter for two years.
  4. Seriously who the fuck invited O’Dowd back for the alumni game. As though he wasn’t frustrating enough to watch the last 3 years now we are subjected to more of him?
  5. Demi is gonna win. Maybe Torres but probably not
  6. I’ve heard it’s got some serious wait times now. Doesn’t make sense to me though. It’s really great but it’s open all day so don’t understand the reason for a wait time like that
  7. The WiFi is out on the boat guys.
  8. Maybe if your responses are based in reality and fact instead of made up grievance bullshit there could be a discussion. You can’t further any discussion that you haven’t actually contributed to.
  9. So have you learned anything about how taxes work or are you still just avoiding that discussion? “cloak room is mean because someone pointed out that I don’t know anything about the subject I was talking about”
  10. I’m very surprised that @Spankytoes hasn’t been back to this thread. He seemed so honest and informed with his arguments.
  11. He ain’t gonna read that shit. He’s a fingers in his ears moron. He won’t even be back to this thread.
  12. He’s stupid. That’s all that happened.
  13. It’s amazing how fucking stupid you are.
  14. Anyone got any good Mediterranean recs? How about Indian? Cant seem to find anything other than really generic.
  15. So you’re ignoring the largest climate bill in our history too? Sure they have regressed on policy a bit. I mean they clearly have tried to cater to middle ground voters in an effort to win. The Overton window shifted massively to the right. It’d be super awesome if they ran on free college and free healthcare but that clearly wouldn’t win for them. Republicans literally spent decades telling everyone they were going to take away healthcare and social security so not really sure what you think dems should have done. It’s not a leadership failure, it’s populace failure. Blaming progressives, or dems, or neocons, or Hilary or Kamala is all bullshit window dressing. This country has an education problem and that’s why we are here.
  16. Cross post from the bbq thread. Reese Bros. Brisket was excellent. Really thick cut (1/4 inch). Great bark, flavor. Just really well done. A notch below Terry’s or Pink’s but still very high level. The queso Fundido was pretty great also. Just another really well done meat. Homemade tortillas were exceptional. Turkey was real good. All sides were good except potato salad was kinda whack. Definitely worth going and would definitely go back. Really good stuff.
  17. Did Pinkerton ever post here? I know he did on one of the iterations of this site at some point. I’m sure he’ll want to know that his cue isn’t up to helo’s very high standards.
  18. That entire post is “I don’t like bbq, so I wasn’t impressed with this bbq place”.
  19. Shocking
  20. Seriously man just give up the bit.
  21. You’re not wrong, but the claim was that the Dems haven’t had a monumental policy win since Obamacare which is plainly false.
  22. Are we just pretending that Biden didn’t have big legislative policy wins?
  23. Did you peep his hog?
  24. Tre Johnson : 30 (8-18), 4-10 from 3, 10-10 at the line. Just not that talented.
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