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Doc Holliday

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  1. In Montana it's currently -6* feels worse with a steady breeze of fuck that I'm not going outside unless I have too, and it takes the truck 2 rounds of remote start to actually get warm. Thank goodness for my two hookers that keep me company.
  2. Yall still alive down there? Heard it's supposed to get a wee bit cold down there. '
  3. Congrats on the MSP truffle shuffle! Hope you're staying warm. Last night it hit -11 or so here with a windchill closer to -30. We also have about 2.5 feet of snow sticking around and up to my knees in other drift areas.
  4. For the hobbyists who like freshwater shrimp. Can we change Amano shrimp to Amero shrimp? Think Trump would support this?
  5. Like Jay Z needs Diddy? Or is this more like Diddy and baby oil?
  6. I'm about to be living in a travel trailer for the next year while I go on a bunch of adventures. I have a few guns for my backpacking adventures and solo travels. If I am traveling through all 50 states in the next year, what should I know about gun laws to protect and prevent any unnecessary transgressions?
  7. I am pretty sure the lore has grown to 40 of them in some circles. Was one of the nastiest shits the next day with the only worse one being after a crawfish boil, wade boggs level lonestars, and before a shaggyberos softball practice where I nailed a now nurse perfectly in the back of the neck with a line drive after not hitting a DAMN thing prior. I still feel bad for that hit. Edit: this is political thread. I am here to shit on it. #cheers
  8. I've been tracking this stuff for a handful of years. Buckle up, Solar Max is a real season and we are in it. Check out the app, space weather live. Will give you all the alerts. Also, get ready for more aurora down in Texas over the next year or so.
  9. Someone send me 2 quarts of the fresh honey roasted peanut butter please. I want to surprise Chad Briscoes Mom when I drive through Pampa later this winter.
  10. Truth! There are some very beautiful women up there though that are 100% Alaskan weird and local.
  11. This thread makes me want to spatchcock some chickens
  12. Late to the party here and bought the base level game. So far I am enjoying it albeit less than 10 hours in.
  13. este or one of the other 30 amazing mountain ranges up here.
  14. 7 fiddy a pound is my average cost for local beef
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