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Doc Holliday

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Everything posted by Doc Holliday

  1. Knowing many people who tailgate with him, get invited to his parties, etc., I suspect it is just as much the joys of camaraderie and fellowship amongst longhorn fans as it is the teams playing the game. Especially during epic droughts like we are going through now...it has to be the only thing to keep it joyful.
  2. If they can't make money off of you then you disappear.
  3. bitch, i'm not for sale.
  4. I haven't scrolled through and if you haven't posted videos, well, that would be a shame after a glorious writeup.
  5. Doc Holliday

    To Bloviate

    If you didn't already know the definition of this word...what would you think it to be based on what you have presented? To blowviate: Big whale splewing shit out, water, snot, whatever else is in their blowhole is truly bloviating? When you jizz in a mouth and they start to gag and it comes out their nose? Is that when they bloviate? For the giver to change hands or direction of twist while giving a BJ and it makes the dude blow(viate)?
  6. I have 2 dogs, Abbey is 55 pounds, and Bells is a 6 month old Eng.Bulldog/Labrador mix and weighs 48 pounds already. I expect her to be close to 70 or 80 pounds when she's filled out. Living conditions will be determined on whether or not they can stay there.
  7. They are giant germ ridden flying sardine cans so what ya gonna do?
  8. The mountain home will be a few years down the road. I'll be in Denver proper for the time being until some other endeavors come to fruition and stabilize. Once that occurs, I'll be looking to move into the mountains.
  9. I like the River North area except for the fact they call it RiNo
  10. Target range is $1,200 - $1,800/month although I can afford up to 2k/month and would rather not go that high if I don't have too. Thank you for the recommendations. I'll be renting/leasing to begin with and goal would be to move further into the mountains after a year or three. I'll live with whatever traffic as it can't be as bad as Austin has been or my stint up in DC.
  11. End of the year and no later than March, I'll be moving to the Denver area. I work 100% remote and can live anywhere. For those that know the area, what parts should I focus my attention on for living? Must be large dog friendly, would enjoy a social scene, grocery store close by, and a bar I can walk too. Ideally, I'd want something "affordable." Not looking at downtown and not looking for child rearing suburbs. Gracias in advance.
  12. I'm playing the bounces all the way to the bank, except for DOGE! Picked up 20k shares a while back and will see what happens. 😆
  13. So what's new? They are in bed with most of the major tech companies...
  14. oh interesting! healthcare is a money suck these days. BH has been a player in energy for a while...will be curious to see what happens.
  15. I prefer alpha numeric currency: $Tree.50
  16. They're good reads since I'm not doing much at the office as my last day is on Thursday. It's good time to read for entertainment and potatoes.
  17. Thinking about this more, I completely agree that energy harmonics and resonation is key for anything in this realm of thought or action. If energy or light is key, and light/energy can be measured in wavelengths, you have to be able to match the tonal resonance in order to not disrupt your own being and then to essentially ride the wave like a hitchhiker. The question I have though is can someone, a human being, even be a hitchhiker if quantum entanglement is needed? Wouldn't object A (an event in say 1949) need to already be entangled with object D (a human in 2002 wanting to go back to 1949)? Even further stretch thought - could this be where "reincarnation" comes into play? If someone was reincarnated and was connected to or indeed was that person in 1949, would that allow the harmonics to be similar in nature and allow that travel to occur?
  18. Started reading it and it's interesting, at least. From remote viewing to intervention points. The intervention points are the most interesting, at the moment, since there could be thousands of thought points, action points, etc. Choosing the right one seems nearly impossible other than choosing the first seed of thought that someone dreamt up or the moment someone turns on a new technology. Then memory restructuring. Let's erase all your memories and replace them with what we want which entails that someone has the technology already to change memories since they quoted time travel experiments have occurred for 30 years. add in the fact that it requires computing power 4000x more powerful than our current super computers! This is where quantum computing comes into play for scenario based processing but that also opens the question of how do you write an algorithm that complicated to view all the scenarios and ripple effects? How do you account for human emotions, human thoughts that are not expressed, and for what we may consider fleeting moments that actually impact us beyond our comprehension? Anyway, thanks for posting! It's interdasting potatoes indeed.
  19. Do you have something to hide? If so, yes, it's an added layer of security. Defense in depth, if you will. ***VPNs do not turn off internet cookie tracking***
  20. Sorry, I'm on top of the frost tower and really had to go #odoylerules
  21. No, we wouldn't. It would be the ultimate weapon. Change the course of history and the control of history and future states.
  22. Good luck and godspeed to them!
  23. I need to add new pics from my 5 month old pupperz. She's a hunting lab (dad) and English bulldog (mom, clearly) mix. Dense AF and so damn cute. This thread makes me want to get back to the dogs and play.
  24. this hits very close to home as I was pretty sure I found the only attractive lady from Wisconsin who was from a small town outside of Eau Claire the drinking to the fashion to well, everything is spot on
  25. bless the rains down in texafrica
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