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Doc Holliday

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Posts posted by Doc Holliday

  1. This doesn't surprise me and while we are focused here on our own privacy, insecurities about something we cannot readily control, or so it appears, we are going to need AI pilots if we are going to do any major space exploration beyond Mars.

    That being said, it is one of the reasons why I am torn about AI development.   I agree with the one side that we need major controls and security processes in place and AI needs to be developed with that mindset first and second, then AI functionality third.  There are more reasons to be concerned like the fact that they have already created their own language that we cannot fully understand, yet. 

    However, if we do plan to explore beyond Mars, we are going to need some AI similar to 2001 Space Odyssey or many of the other Sci-Fi flicks out there.  At the same time, we are not able to do the complex mathematics fast enough to ensure human and ship safety in many circumstances.   If it takes NASA years, plus, extremely large super-computers to develop the algorithms necessary for our safety what is going to happen in real-time when we are in a 5+ hour delay in communications and shit hits the proverbial fan?  An AI could quickly assess and provide quick countermeasures to ensure the safety.

  2. my upstairs neighbors are an obese couple with him around 280-290 and she is close if not more than 300 as well.  I swear to god they are going to fall through the ceiling and make noise from 5:30am till after midnight every day.   Fuck them.  I refuse to make friends with them because that will take away from my disdain.  They have two dogs and only walk 2 feet from their stairs to let the dogs do their business.  And when they walk down the stairs, it's like a total solar eclipse in my windows from her blocking the sun light.

  3. 14 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    Chaps Pit Beef, Baltimore, MD.

    This place has been on pretty much every "fat guy eats his way across America" show ever. I figured it'd be a bit more on the BBQ side of things due to cooking over coals but it's pretty much roast beef. No discernable smoke flavor on the sandwich, just a good medium beef flavor. Burnt ends were almost inedible. Fries were really good. Don't go expecting BBQ and you'll be happier than I was.

    Yup, I've had that sammich combo and it was okay.  Edible for sure, and definitely needed the sauce to make it worthwhile.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Sidney Sherman said:

    Even D&B is kind of lame. I don't know where to find it, but an old school arcade and pinball place would be better than the modern games. They just don't have the same soul or skill in new age arcade.

    Recess is pretty badass on 6th street for this type of stuff.

    Pinballz has the classics

    • Like 1
  5. Not necessarily in HS and my list:


    Darius Miles - AAU Ball

    OJ McClintock - when he was at westwood

    Pickup games:  TJ Ford, Chris Mihm, PJ Tucker, etc. plus others like the griffin bros (dbs)


    Peoples' bros like Nick and his middle brother

    Danks' bros (basketball and racquetball)

    Many who went on to play D1 ball throughout little league and now old man softball


  6. We live in BBQ paradise and the rest are mere imposters.  If it needs saucing then it probably isn't good is my stance and most outside of Texas need a good saucing to make it edible.  Otherwise, it's too dry, too bland, to jerky like to really matter.   Proper pulled pork doesn't need a ton of sauce if you cook it right as it has plenty of fat to render.  Brisket, we all know is the same.  Hell, even lean doesn't need to be dry AF. 

    I've tried que from California, Utah, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas City, Carolina, Maryland/DC, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee, West Texas, East Texas, South Texas, etc.  They all make me miss Central Texas Que.

  7. Do aliens exist, are they explainable, are the myriad of documentaries true or misinformation to distract for some other propaganda?

    It's an interesting thought experiment and topic for me because there are so many unexplained experiences people have seen from laymen, policemen, to military leaders.   Bill Clinton has talked about it on late night TV shows, Obama has, and again there are so many documentaries about it.   Varying programs have been declassified and at the minimum lend credence to they exist, yet, no "real evidence" has come out.  No major scientific group has dug in to research this topic, publically, etc.

    I'd like to believe they exist based on where there is smoke there is fire and without hard evidence or personal experience, I have to lean on the side that they don't due to logic and reasoning.

    Thoughts of the nerdz crowd?

  8. 19 hours ago, PW119 said:

    This produced an overall apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of 49.9* events/hr (normal < 5/hr). Hypopneas

    bump that up to 74 events per hour and you have my score.  what do I win chuck? 

    Doc, you win a CPAP!

    Crowd goes wild, stops breathing, goes wild again with a new surge of air.

  9. Anybody try the limited release reserve tabasco?

    I bought some this past weekend and haven't tried it, yet.  Will be interesting to see if it's any different than normal tabasco.

    also, yes to every other one posted.

  10. 15 hours ago, Parliament said:

    I trust Sec. Mattis.

    And that article is written like a riveting novel.  Props to its author.

    No kidding.  It took me part of yesterday and this AM to read; damn it was good.   One of the best articles I've read recently and they spell checked everything. 


    I really hope Chapman is awarded the medal despite the conflict between the two branches.  Sounds like he truly went above and beyond all the while going out to protect the US troops. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Air_Matt said:

    Has anyone else gotten feedback at an actual cookoff?

    Didn't even know that was possible, they'd have to take notes and match the notes to the ticket numbers. 

    KCBS does


    The last KCBS comp I did chicken didn't have enough bite through and crispy skin, no call.  Pork ribs got called and also needed more spice to sweet, brisket got called and needed less pepper, and pulled pork was too dry, no call.

  12. 3 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    You laugh but this is actually a subconscious criteria that I've set when paring down my invitation list to about 120.  I hate it, but those +1's might cost me an extra G with the caterer.  I feel like an asshole.  Then I feel grateful that I've got enough good friends and family to where my guest list could approach treefiddy.

    You're not my friend, are you?

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