Stay in your lane and allow the freedom for your developers, scrum masters, etc. to do their thing. Executives should NOT get involved in the weeds of the product development lifecycle. They need to trust the product owner and team members. Communication is extremely important during this transition.
As a leader, focus on your priorities within the methodology and stick to them. Don't go bouncing around trying to change the world, yet. Become successful with your sprints and tracking your burn downs. Then transition into additional nuances of what agile means.
My advice is to focus on release management and the subsequent process flow. Once your team(s) are in a good groove, you should be releasing updates as often as every week to maybe once every 4 weeks.
Test, test, test and test again.
Back-log grooming and understanding what is most impactful to your business (revenue stream, customer base, customer base opinions, etc.) is also vitally important. Don't over promise anything, yet.
Invest in post-it notes.