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Doc Holliday

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Everything posted by Doc Holliday

  1. It's pretty simple guys...anything that is digital is tracked. Each digital data point can be leveraged, add more information like standard usage of mens razors, how often you buy, and you can infer quite a bit. it's standard operating model for any consumer based business now and has been for years.
  2. sucks since they are closing so many best buy stores
  3. Go enjoy South Congress
  4. and let's wipe out the dollar, hard reset, and install my fucking ameros as the new system. win, win.
  5. Hoorrraaaaay Debt! Let's turn some more trees into mush and print some more paperbacks. I'd like to submit for a vote: Making April 16th National Debt day where we all party it up and drink to our hearts delight on tabs that we don't ever have to pay in honor of this glorious day.
  6. I'll keep an eye out for her as they are right around the corner from me and I really hope they figure out their operations as half the menu wasn't available and everything was slow to come out.
  7. Drank old fashioneds all weekend with Bulleit cask strength and Pikesville Rye and I don't know how I didn't die.
  8. who was she? I saw a lot of ladies there that could be named Alison.
  9. Hanks just opened and beyond their beautiful patio, they are over rated.
  10. RIP Gunny
  11. What are some of the one's that are local and not the equities? I searched last week and couldn't find any worthwhile.
  12. omg, yall. what about the holy spirit? he came to visit paul err, I mean saul.
  13. He can jump on my bus
  14. Art of War: Chapter 5, Energy 16. Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all; amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat. 17. Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline, simulated fear postulates courage, simulated weakness postulates strength. 18. Hiding order beneath the cloak of disorder is simply a question of subdivision; concealing courage under a show of timidity presupposes a fund of latent energy, masking strength with weakness is to be effected by tactical dispositions. While I think there is shit at play that goes beyond what we, the general populous can see, I do believe it takes a highly trained "actor" to continually drive disorder. That highly trained actor is best when it comes natural and well, Captain Toupee has been trained for this role, and is a natural narcissist and purveyor of chaos. Meanwhile, he is clearly supported, otherwise, he'd be out by now or would have never been granted office. Do I like it? Hell no. Do I have a choice in the matter right now? Not really. Due process will have to take its place and we will see what happens. I feel for all those who are in his path of destruction and chaos.
  15. que mala suerte
  16. Oh, well, then...I am naming the new pup Francis and she's getting a bath.
  17. If I have holy water, can I baptize my dogs? Or does it not even matter since.....all dogs go to heaven?
  18. Yeah, I am afraid it is going to be ugly. I hope are bats are active and alive.
  19. Chaos only occurs through fear and the duality of man, gods, religion, etc. cannot be forgotten. Fear doesn't work if there isn't Love. Love doesn't work unless there is Fear. Take both out and you have a void. Not to mention, that these arguments are still based on an emotional response or reaction and emotions are fallible.
  20. are you wanting to get in before or after their earnings report? and what caused the major drop between Jan and Feb?
  21. What does it matter? Nearly every religion thinks it's the only one that should exist. Quick search shows 20 major religions and many subsets off of each one. If you aren't a part of the "tribe" or chosen people or grafted in, you are going to hell. If you aren't muslim, you're an infidel and going to hell. If you aren't southern Baptist, Methodist, church of Christ, you're all wrong and going to hell. If you aren't blah, blah, blah, you're going to hell. Why focus on such a fear based motivation tool to change humanity or save souls?
  22. I'm driving the short bus in a toll lane with no txtag
  23. Time to load up on all those anti-mosquito things - lotion, spray, cintronella, lemongrass, lavender, and lasers.
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