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Doc Holliday

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Everything posted by Doc Holliday

  1. I wonder if certain company moves to green energy, looking at you apple, is a pivot to help minimize their risk/dependence on municipal power supplies?
  2. While I agree with 99% of this...you are better suited to be a jack of all trades and a master of one (industry). The best analytic minds I've met are very much a business analyst first and figure out current operating models, workflows, etc. to then identify places to grow, become more efficient, and/or predict opportunities with their ability to manipulate data.
  3. subscribed. this is part of my world and I never stop thinking about it. hopefully will be getting back into it. the simplest form I can make it, for most English speaking non-technical executives, is that if you can apply logic to any data source, you can infer any answer to any question that may arise. one of my friends is a director at a fairly successful analytics based think tank and we continually discuss current state, trends, direction, etc. of this industry.
  4. We really need to pass a law called HugeManatee that segregates our network of porn and FB.
  5. All I can think about when I read this is how to incorporate it into my next rendezvous with a lady friend from San Diego. Damn woman, that subtropical jet is really working the moisture levels and bringing in a really strong, wet, front.
  6. after 6 years of use with my 2012 F-150 FX4 I am finally having to replace the brakes. Driving 2222 multiple times a day finally did them in. as far as the ecoboost argument goes...I am a fan of mine. Got my truck brand new (6 miles on the odo) and babied the engine/transmission to begin with and it's never had any issues. I do wish I would have changed the torque so the tires don't chirp so easily.
  7. Some might say it was goofy and for the dogs
  8. Typing into a forum, such as this one, allows it to sound like I am working diligently.
  9. Yes, we leverage them for the 24/7 SOC aspects. Much of the work we will need to do will occur during off-hours so we don't impact day to day business. We will see what they do. I've worked with them before and had no major complaints, but, we also had a pretty good security team already in place and they were extra and a built in part of the contract.
  10. I agree. In one of my projects, we are going to impact Secureworks as they are a leveraged provider. I am pushing to NOT communicate with them to see what they do, how they respond, and if they are actually worthwhile as a litmus test.
  11. The ones with means who can get in legally are never the issue. It is the ones with means who are focused on ill-intent (staying away from the racist comments ) that will sneak through the system. And yes, it will be the means to sell the system. It could be Chief toupee's pivot away from the physical border wall?
  12. Ted Dibiase aka the Million Dollar Man of wrestling fame, was required to act like his character at anytime he was in public. So why wouldn't Mr. Jones act like that at all times? Throw in human psychology and if one were to continue acting in a certain method for long periods of time, they can and have taken ownership of the character through internalization and separation of their self-identity. End of the day, he's nothing but entertainment and a shock-jock who leverages some truths to create hype, fear, etc.
  13. quickly meaning, over 20 years? over 30? when did the DMV start requiring finger printing? Computer access has been using biometric scanners (some competently others not so much) for a while now. On the surface I understand that point. That said, it all requires digital receipt, storage, control, and access. If it is digital it can and will be hacked, spoofed, etc. it won't stop immigrants or individuals with the means, nation-states, etc. For a movie based analogy - look at Babylon AD
  14. baby ruuuuuuth?!? #sloth
  15. It's the truth, take away options through the guise of volunteering, and the digital evolution we have been in for a while will directly force this direction until something catastrophically disrupts the ability to be digital. Will that happen? who knows. It is part of the thoughts I have when thinking about zombie apocalypse, world war 3, etc.
  16. In my opinion, the real kick off was how IBM got started and if you don't know, go look their history up.
  17. Do you really NOT think this is already in play? Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, DMVs, credit card companies, ISPs, telephone companies, grocery store rewards cards, DNA profilers like 23andMe, etc. all have these data points for tracking and unique identification. The legal aspect, imo, is whether they can be consolidated into a single profile (permanent record) that ties everything you do across industries, life, etc. to allow more detailed tracking.
  18. Thoughts on investing long (10-20+ years) in water (high quality H2O) based companies. Can include manufacturers of large scale equipment like distribution, automation, purifiers, etc. or even groups that have ground water rights? I've seen many different options over the past two weeks that range in small price points per share ($5-20) and up to $150+\- . 1 year and 5 year histories have shown steady growth and as we keep down the same global growth pattern would it be worth it? Will they be able to weather any type of recession, etc. and remain stable?
  19. pessimism? we're talking about pessimism?
  20. I could happily live in a small town that's an hour or hour and a half away from a major city. Give me 50-250 acres and I'd be happier than a pig in a mud pit.
  21. It's been going on for about a week now. I read the official statement, yesterday, and expect another 4-5 business days worth of blah, blah, blah.
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