For the 3rd time, maintenance at my apartment complex has cancelled my ticket to have the AC unit repaired because it won't cool below 70* and ends up running all night to no avail. Why cancel? because my dogs are not locked up. Fucking Bull SHIT. I lock both of them up and have each time. Luckly I was able to answer the complex's call this afternoon and well, I called out their bullshit. Told them no, I locked both up this AM because I saw their voicemail, and I bet he's just scared because they are barking and he didn't even go in. Apartment rep calls the maintenance guy and tells him to go back in and confirm. Yes, they were both locked up and he's a fucking chicken shit afraid of my dogs, crated up, barking. Hell, the puppy has a blanket over the crate because it's the only way she will not whine, bark, cry, and howl all the time. Fucking stupid trivial shit and goodness am I surly about it.