That reminds me...the last UT vs Sand Aggy game I went to, I had a group of young sand aggys who were drunk in the two rows in front of me. One of them decided my cheering for Texas was inappropriate and subsequently started talking shit to me. Being older, less drunk, married at the time and with my now ex-wife, I looked at the ladies in the group and recommended they move him away from me before he gets everyone into a shit storm they don't want. They move him down one row and over a few people. Far enough away that he forgets about me, meanwhile, Texas proceeds to keep "playing well" and I keep cheering on. Second half starts up and this guy comes back and is even more drunk, kind of proud of him, but he starts talking shit to me and bowing up from one row below me. At this point, I step down from the bleacher and get on his "level" meaning I am still 8-10 inches taller and probably 60-75 pounds heavier. I'm not in the mood to put up with his shit, look him dead in the eyes, and tell him that he's just like his football team and won't win this fight so he should step back down and shut the fuck up. He pauses, seemingly thinking it through, before his bros decide to encourage him to leave and I enjoy the rest of the game with my ex-wife who also hated my cheering for Texas because she's from Lubbock and went to sand aggy.