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Doc Holliday

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Posts posted by Doc Holliday

  1. I've stayed away from most of the opinions around shaka and my only question is why is he not running havoc?  the system that brought him here? 

    If you say because we don't have the players for it, I think BS should be called.  it's a system that can be run with 90% of any D1 player.  

    is it the fact that a good basketball program in a power 5 knows how to break a press?  if so, fire him.  o.O

  2. Not looking to get into the politics of this...more focused on industry impact...


    With the budget approved, Cerner is to receive 10 billion dollars, 1B/year, for 10 years to provide their EHR application to all VA sites.

    This is quite a deal for Cerner and where does that leave the rest of the industry?  How will EPIC fare?  What about the medium sized to small EHR shops?  Allscripts, Athena, eCW, etc.?

    My thought is that EPIC and Athena will be fine due to their large contracts across the nation.  Will the others be able to keep up with market trends of costs to provide meaningful healthcare rising, at the same time, insurance/CMMS paying less, larger impact of data/analytics, etc?  I only know of 2 large organizations this past year staying in the black while everyone else was in the red.  Those two being HCA and UHS.  UHS to me is in a different category though because they are primarily behavioral health with only a few true hospitals.   I know of many individual practices that no longer process insurance claims and are cash only and with a 2-3 doctor office that can work if your reputation and bedside manner is on point and schedule stays full.

    Can the big players like Ascension, Kaiser, CHI, Tenet, etc. keep purchasing smaller systems?  Or are they just creating a new healthcare bubble based on unstainable debts and loss of profits?

  3. 5 minutes ago, DarthBalls said:

    I use my phone for: weather, maps, music, video media, news, camera, photo library, wife locator, home security control, house thermostat,  email, text messages, kitchen timer, food thermometer display, book reading, calorie log, crossword puzzles, phone calls, exercise log and general research tool. It's overwhelming and i don't think there is any way to go back to the way it was before. 

    Skynet thanks you

  4. 3 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Pretty much. A couple of years ago I had a client bring me in so that I could help out with a project between a power company, couple of IoT companies and one very large Big Data company. The power company was sitting on a shit ton of data but didn't know what to do with it. The Big Data company saw a lot of value and was hungry to get their hands on it. Can't go into specifics but your question is spot on.

    yes, it is the world we live in.  Data as a whole is a trillion dollar market.  The more invasive and profiling it is, the more value. 

  5. What are some of your recommendations for Spotify playlists?

    Outside of New Music Friday and Discover weekly I am regularly cruising random playlists to see what I like out there and to find new bands, songs, and what not.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Modessit said:

    $10 says Kevin Morgan calls blacklab within the next couple months complaining about the lack of patronage at Shaggy. Within a year he'll offer to sell the rights back for much lower than he spent to get them. 

    I'll buy it back from him, keep it dormant, and laugh at him for $10.  First round of beers will be on me, at least the first $10 worth since I can only withdraw $20's

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