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Everything posted by Dylan383

  1. We loved it. This year has been a golden age for spy thrillers.
  2. Sounds like a perfect book. I’ve always heard ravens and crows are super smart
  3. Anyone recommend Black Doves w Keira Knightley? We just finished Day of the Jackal and want some more thriller spy stuff to watch.
  4. We liked it. The sexual tension was more pronounced than the original for sure. Would give it a half star less than the original. I still need to see the Werner Herzog version.
  5. Yellowface. It’s incredibly page turning
  6. Watching original on Prime. Can’t wait to see the new version
  7. Thanks for all the recs. Can’t wait to see all of this! Thanks
  8. That hotel looks so nice!!! And across the street from the central station!!!!
  9. Thank you so much! Very helpful
  10. Does Stockholm have Christmas markets as well?
  11. I will check that place out. I saw Tivoli Garden opens its park for the holidays in mid November.
  12. Maybe mid November is best before the December rush and rise in hotel prices. Seeing the nutcracker at the royal danis opera house would be cool
  13. Those pics look amazing. I definitely am enthused to go. I guess early November isn’t too holiday ish ?
  14. I definitely want to do that. So it’s best between thanksgiving and Xmas versus early November?
  15. Keep the eating and other racs coming. How did you find food gems? Online, friends, random, travel guides?
  16. Wow. You’ve inspired me to try to visit Copenhagen and Stockholm before Xmas. I think both cities could fill a week and the holidays may be a great time to see lots of indoor sights
  17. I didn’t think about Finland. Will research. Lots to do in Estonia?
  18. Is winter still worth it to visit Copenhagen or Stockholm? How cold does it get there?
  19. Makes sense. Sounds like Copenhagen makes sense and maybe the Norway in a nutshell. Or I just go for Copenhagen and Stockholm. Thanks.
  20. We are wanting to visit Sweden, Norway, and Denmark in a year via a cruise. I think the ship goes to Finland as well. Any recommendations. Also if I went for a week to that part of Northern Europe how much could I see in a week? Oslo and Copenhagen..maybe Stockholm? Or is that too much? Where would you recommend going for a first timer?
  21. Did this season essentially follow the Great Hunt? Maybe I will start with that book and read book three before the next season?
  22. Loved this season. Finally made me want to read the books Rosamund Pike does a great jobs with the audiobooks.
  23. Just finished the Other Side of Prospect by Nicholas Dawidoff. It’s about a guy in New Haven falsely convicted for murder but it’s so much more. Covers the class divide in and history of New Haven. Dawidoff worked eight years on it. He’s a great writer.
  24. Loving the Silent Sea. Great sci fi. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Love the Silent Sea. Perfect true Sci Fi Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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