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Jack Wilson

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  1. They can't even fuckin' spell "jorunalist."
  2. Was this just Mitchell being Michel (again), or was he not projected to fit well into PK's defense?
  3. That was before we put Stoney Clark in at DT. Or was Casey Hampton? Or was it before we put Nobis in at MLB. I forget . . .
  4. Somewhere, the Lone Ranger is pissed.
  5. It really is the off-season, huh?
  6. I was too. Until Maryland. The first Maryland.
  7. In a perfect world, Sark would have done everything he could to keep BC. (He may have; who knows?) Dress it up any way you want, Carrington's going to SC to recruit. We're going to miss him a hell of a lot. You can point to all the rainmaking coaches we hired, but why not couple them with a proven off-the-field guy like BC? Hate to lose him.
  8. Not a bad get, considering it's Kansas and most of their seniors have hit the portal. (I guess the sound / of the outward bound / made them a slave . . .)
  9. How do some people keep falling up? (Well, in title if not money.)
  10. Hope Mpagi is
  11. My banal contribution: Six of us were canoeing down the Guadalupe in three rented aluminum canoes. No experience, no equipment, no common sense. Plenty of drunk. We hit some rapids that tumped all three canoes over. The current was so swift it bent one of canoes around a rock. Ruined it. We had to buy it. The current grabbed me and rolled me helplessly like a bowling ball underwater. The only thing that saved me was getting spun out the other side of the rapids. We were coughing and spitting on the bank when two pairs of semi-professional kyakers walked past us--spandex, life jackets, knee pads, elbow pads, helmets. They were porting around the rapids we were just stupid enough to try and paddle through in open canoes. They looked at us and just shook their heads. Yes, I'm a shitty (former) canoer.
  12. ". . . and we thank you for your support." --Frank and Ed.
  13. Somebody needs to tell Urbs that you don't recruit in the League, you draft. Oh, and you also coach, so the Lupoi hire looks kind of . . .
  14. Central America Health Sciences, Belize. Or maybe Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina in the Caymans.
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