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Jack Wilson

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Everything posted by Jack Wilson

  1. Scotch, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
  2. Va Tech AD, Whit Babcock, on deciding to keep Justin Fuente: “The decision on Justin’s future here was never made about money. Yes, we are in a bind financially, and yes, there’s buyouts, but we were determined to make the right decision either way, because I cannot imagine a working relationship where you have to have somebody around you don’t believe in that you just keep for money.” Y'all just plug in CDC and Herman wherever you think they might fit in the above.
  3. Those are for, pardon the expression, "squares."
  4. Yeah, but is it worth five dollars?
  5. Yeah, somewhere in here the old "silk purse-sow's ear" metaphor applies.
  6. Gynecologist: A spreader of old wives' tails.
  7. We just hate him less than we hate Briles and that coach-on-the-field who dropped that interception.
  8. She sounds hideous. Yeah, well she's a guy, so . . .
  9. Naw, not really. Some dumb fucks are so desperate to get rid of Herman that they're touting Eric TheEnemy. Other than that and a bunch of shit that's not chili, not much.
  10. It's not the X's and the O's; it's the jimmies and the joes.
  11. I wouldn't care how hungry I got. I wouldn't eat one of those camp dogs. You'd eat it and you'd fight for the bones, too.
  12. How is it possible that nobody's yet mentioned Hombre? Sharpest, grittiest dialogue ever. Elmore was a master.
  13. I keep telling you, I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part. And the Night Shift are just the guys to do it.
  14. Have you ever seen Barney Rubble and Ed Norton together? I mean in the same place and at the same time?
  15. Agree. Don't know why some petulant juveniles who have no idea what the fuck CDC's doing behind the scenes are finding fault with him. Judge him after all this plays out, not because you don't have the patience to see it through. Queen's anthem of the Me Generation: "I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!"
  16. Shelly just steamrolled Tommy Boy. Is he dead? No, but they took him to the hospital. What room? 1131, 1132, and 1133.
  17. I sued a plastic surgeon one time on behalf of a client. He was drunk during the procedure and instead of silicone, he injected my client with silly putty. She went from a 32-A to a 42-Long. The jury gave us 2 million; they apparently thought it was tit for tat.
  18. The Kountry Bakery in Hallettsville is pretty damn good. And authentic--their kolaches are . . . wait for it . . . fruit.
  19. For years, the Czech Stop was mandatory on the Friday before the ou game. I'm not qualified to critique it in terms of Czech-ness, but thinking of it during those times sure brings back happy, drunk memories.
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