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Jack Wilson

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Everything posted by Jack Wilson

  1. Well, that's a buncha' bullshit.
  2. "They laughed at me, Cole." "They been laughing at you for a coupla' months. You just haven't been sober enough to hear it."
  3. With Futureman's; it's bigger. Plus, the Surly community might get to see it.
  4. Nobody's that dumb. Wait . . .
  5. Order the Classics IV.
  6. No income tax.
  7. ISWYDT. Bravo.
  8. I don't know about the judgmental part . . .
  9. Guys, guys, he stays if we can't get Urban. It's that simple. Deal with it. Right now, today, there's nobody out there who will move the needle (CDC's or the BMD's) enough to make the buyouts (plural) worthwhile. If we can't get Urban, we stay where we are and bitch about it for another year with a first-time starting QB while recruiting continues to plummet. (And I'll be right there leading the bitching.)
  10. And it's a pretty sad state of affairs when those asswipes are called "media." But then, it's a Bachelorette, TMZ, Kardashian, muck-raking kind of world out there. One gets what one deserves, I guess.
  11. A crowdsource permaban. Do it!
  12. "Editing? You talkin' about editing? You kiddin' me? Editing?"
  13. You can go south out of Texas into Mexico or east into Louisiana. Pedro or Boudreaux. Mordida or lagniappe. The only thing that changes is the accent.
  14. Ulysses Lugman, izzat you?
  15. Muschamp is the biggest domino to fall so far. At least this gives us some cover and we don't have to be the first P5 of any significance to fire a non-performing HC amid the COVID madness. We can do it after the next loss, or at the end of the season. Personally, I'd prefer yesterday.
  16. Hmmmm, yeah. And singing "The Eyes," too.
  17. I'm on your program. Problem is, most people are too lazy and stupid to care about sounding lazy and stupid. For some, it's even their red badge of courage.
  18. Does anyone know why turds taper off?
  19. You mean they didn't turtle?
  20. You want a live chicken?
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