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Luka Skywalker

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Everything posted by Luka Skywalker

  1. At least 10 of the next 12 years? I’ll have what you’re having.
  2. Mr. Lucci is out of jail? He went to my alma mater, Lake Highlands /csb.
  3. Does anyone know how to get unblocked by Texas Instagram account?
  4. With the amount of oil connections to the program, we should carve out some overrides for BC.
  5. I’m sorry but is he insinuating that Tom should have let Michelle know about the G2 roadies and trips to the titter?
  6. How many stars was LJH?
  7. Let’s not forget that we had several pages on the Shag.
  8. +1 there’s 0% chance that Jimbo becomes the head coach at Bama
  9. Does IT proofread their articles?!
  10. George won’t be going to Texas. Better to load up on the talented guys that want to be here.
  11. Horrible take. I despise OU but to say Riley didn’t develop Mayfield and Murray is just plain dumb.
  12. What exactly does “negative recruiting”entail? The reason I ask is because I would think comparing the positives of your program vs the negatives of another program would be fair game.
  13. Exactly. I think this is a “good” recruiting staff that has massive room for improvement. There’s a lack of self awareness and hubris that permeates this staff. If we don’t connect on big names this cycle then I think we know what this staff’s capabilities are.
  14. Looks like even fans of these teams aren’t bothering to go. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2496846002
  15. Damn that is unbelievable. Don’t even remember playing them.
  16. Good analogy
  17. Dumb analogy.
  18. Chill out snowflake.
  19. Yeah wtf? Looks like a high school locker room.
  20. Could it be Kenyon Green? And we are just backing off on Hookfin.
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