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Bama Chick

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Everything posted by Bama Chick

  1. What in the Saturday Night Live did I just watch??? Ain’t no one alive who wants any of those ditchpigs on a coozie.
  2. That scene with Tom and Greg with Mattson at the table was so embarrassing I couldn’t even watch lol. And I absolutely loved the addition of a hip-hop riff to the theme song here. I’m going to miss this show so much.
  3. Oof. Shiv is getting played with a capital P.
  4. Claiming a bunch of dead celebrities have subscribed to Twitter seems…..problematic.
  5. Elon is now tagging high profile accounts that have been mocking him and blue checks - Rex Chapman, Chrissy Tiegen, Mehdi Hassan, dril, Patton Oswalt - with blue checks. He needs to start pulling a Costanza because every instinct he has is wrong.
  6. lol Now being a lame ass who pays for a blue check is a protected class on Twitter.
  7. More Timothy Olyphant in a cowboy hat and tight ass jeans? Yes please.
  8. A grown ass mediocre white man who calls himself “Kid” bleating about “Everyone I disagree with is a pedophile”……
  9. I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard but it’s so damn accurate lol
  10. That is one TERRIBLE wig! And that necklace? [emoji2961] And why in the sweet blue fuck would anyone wear that nubby fake Chanel meemaw blazer that is the exact same color as the background? She looks like a trad wife version of this -
  11. Alito’s dissent is absolutely disgusting. He needs an ass kicking.
  12. You want Disney to sexually assault him??? You sicko!
  13. Just waiting on one of you lawyers to explain to me how this isn’t illegal somehow.
  14. lol The State Attorney referenced in the above post? I went to high school with this asshole! I’m pretty sure his Dad was the Leon County Sheriff at some point but I could be confusing him for another jerk that ran in the same crowd.
  15. Y’all need to watch some Love Island UK lol. You’ll develop an ear for all the weird Northern, Geordie, Scouse, Welsh etc accents right quick.
  16. His real accent is British RP.
  17. Pffffttt Republicans haven’t “given up” on democracy. They’re actively murdering it.
  19. I never have. And I probably get 3-10 packages a week, depending on the week.
  20. Ho hum. No matter how righteous their claim, Dominion is still a corporation. And corporations ain’t gonna save us. Their priority is $$$$$$$ not democracy.
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