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Bama Chick

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Everything posted by Bama Chick

  1. Ya know if he gave public figures a way to let people know which accounts belonged to the actual public figures, the confusion of which accounts are parodies could be alleviated. I donā€™t know, just spitballinā€™, but maybe a little colored graphic next to the username. Maybe a little checkmark? A red one? No! Blue would be better.
  2. lol This whole thing is like if my dumbass decided to buy Columbia Records or Gucci but my sole motivation behind the purchase was to get to hang out with Harry Styles. But I donā€™t know shit about the business of the music or fashion industries so every decision I make only answers the question - ā€œWill this get me more Harry Styles?ā€. Which destroys the business and causes Harry to stop working with them. And then Iā€™m a dumb sad broke joke. Itā€™s genius, really.
  3. Your tweets are actually embedded today - usually they show up as just links. Stick with Tapa lol.
  4. Oh fuck off. Youā€™re still a Republican in your soul. Sorry if Democrats arenā€™t big enough ratfuckers for your taste. Blaming those of us who have always known Republicans are evil for letting your compatriots be evil is bullshit.
  5. Fuck Casey DeSantis. Sheā€™s an Aunt Lydia piece of shit.
  6. The majority of the posters in the CR are recovering republicans and while I appreciate that yā€™all have seen the light, a lot of yā€™all repeatedly revert back to your former Republican mindset and views on Democrats. As someone who has proudly never cast a vote for a republican, it is easy for me to observe when that happens. Despite the fact that many of you have been conditioned to see the media as ā€œliberalā€, it isnā€™t. Itā€™s mission is to drive engagement and outrage. And the decades of Republicans screaming about the liberal bias has made the media decision makers overly sensitive and thus they over correct to kowtow to the right to appear fair. Thatā€™s why weā€™re inundated with repetitive deep dives on what idiots in Indiana diners think and why every current event is framed ā€œWhy XYZ is bad for The Democrats and Joe Bidenā€. Itā€™s why it took years for the media to quit calling Trumpā€™s lies what they are instead of ā€œdistortionsā€ and ā€œuntruthsā€ and ā€œexaggerationsā€. Imagine if a man had broken into Mitch McConnelā€™s home and beat Elaine Chao with a hammer and that man had scores of statements worshiping Obama and admitted to police he did it to send a message to Republicans. That shit would still be the top story. So, yeah, many of the posters here are misdirecting their anger. Itā€™s always somehow Democrats fault that the media and voters are more distracted by the outrageous shiny things rather than the boring truth. I could list chapter and verse of hand wringing and concern trolling posts on this board over manufactured culture issues that get blamed on Democrats (CRT, defund the police, etc.) messaging instead of blaming the Republican false framing and the media who amplifies that false framing in a pathetic attempt to appear unbiased.
  7. Aw, donā€™t feel duped. Women have a better creep radar than men. Evolutionary survival tactic and all.
  8. Yā€™all are are arguing with the latest incarnation of Donkey/Chrispy.
  9. Meerkat - that donkey asshole Poe - Man in Black Corn pop - Immortal
  10. I just love when men and ā€œgirl dadsā€ (ugh I fucking HATE that bullshit term) ride in on their steed to white knight and lecture about ā€œkeeping women and girls safeā€ in regards to the boogeyman issue of trans women. Iā€™ve never ONCE felt unsafe in the presence of a trans woman or worried about my safety while in a public restroom. However, I canā€™t count the number of times Iā€™ve felt threatened and unsafe around CIS heterosexual men - - at a bar -at work -in a parking garage -at the grocery store -at the gym -at a party -walking down the street -at an airport -in a hotel -at a business conference So miss me with the nonsense that your impetus for demonizing trans women is motivated by your concern for women and daughters. If you actually cared about our safety youā€™d be using that male savior energy for genuine situations that are dangerous for women.
  11. My favorite flavor of CR poster are the ones who donā€™t pay attention to what actual Democrats are actually saying but do pay attention to how the horse race clickbait online media frame and Republicans what ā€œDemocrats are sayingā€. And then get mad online and blame Democrats for their messaging.
  12. lol That portly poorly dressed troglodyte has always been chintzy and gross. Heā€™s grasping for someone to blame that he has to bribe women to spend time with him. Fuck him and his shitty blouse and his cut-rate spray tan and his passĆ© bouffant hair.
  13. New series, ā€œInside Manā€, starring David Tennant and Stanley Tucci and created and written by Steven Moffat (Dr. Who and Sherlock). Only on episode one but really good so far!
  14. Everything we think is just based on emotional reactions and what we ā€œfeelā€. From sea to shining sea.
  15. Yeah we have no trouble with American law enforcement stealing money and property by Civil Forfeiture before actual American citizens are even charged with a crime. Seize anything and everything of value that is Russian and Venmo that shit to Ukraine.
  16. That may be so but I bet 90-95% of journalists have Twitter and the influence of ā€œTwitter Brainā€ is undeniable and unfortunately drives what gets covered in the mainstream media and cable news. Loads of the culture wars bullshittery and moral panic nonsense that has become so prevalent begins on Twitter. And lots of journalists and editors are lazy and use stories that trend on Twitter as a jumping off point.
  17. Iā€™ve told my family if Iā€™m killed by gun violence that I insist on them being loud nuisances and if they DONā€™T politicize my death and publish pictures of my bullet riddled corpse then Iā€™ll haunt them lol. If I go out like that, at least use my murder to terrorize and shame the assholes who allowed guns to have more rights than people.
  18. He wants women to suffer and die because heā€™s cursed with a tiny dick and heā€™s too gross for any self respecting woman to want to fuck. Heā€™s probably a rapist.
  19. For the eight millionth time, ā€œDefund the Policeā€ was NOT Democratic messaging. It was activist group messaging. And Fox News and Republicans grabbed it with both hands and amplified it and threw it into the culture war bonfire. And the police unions saw an opportunity to use it for fear mongering and a rallying cry for more money. And then pundits and the media hopped on board for outrage clickbait. And THEN centrist Democrats rushed in to denounce a slogan and position from fear and progressive Democrats reflexively took the contrary position so as not to be seen as centrist. And as it ever was, the whole mess has been boiled down to ā€œDEMOCRATS ARE SO DUMB FOR PUSHING ā€˜DEFUND THE POLICEā€™!ā€. And Bannon, Ingraham, Hannity, Carlson etc. sat back and laughed about another job well done.
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