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Bama Chick

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Everything posted by Bama Chick

  1. Lolololol That stumpy chubby asshole trying to pull off shrimping boots!
  2. The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany’s reply -
  3. This would be funnier if it weren’t so accurate.
  4. Chase gonna have a big tab tonight.
  5. CCCPAC tweeted and deleted this absolute bullshittery. “Ukrainian-occupied territories”
  6. [emoji102][emoji102][emoji102] That’s as close as Beto will get to making a wheelchair joke.
  7. lol I would’ve had Abbott’s ass rolling away a top speed to get away from my cussing his gimp ass out. WOMEN CAN’T HAVE CONTROL OF THEIR OWN BODIES BECAUSE YOU’RE CATHOLIC??? SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SOUR FACED FUCKNUGGET SHITASS COCKSACK
  8. And this is the ultimate consequence when “leaders” like Trump and Abbott and DeSantis relentlessly dehumanize a group of people.
  9. Pack the Court and make Hunter Biden a Justice. Fuck it.
  10. Dad of one of the Uvalde victims. He and some other parents have been camped out in front of the school district office. They can’t get anyone to speak to them and now they’re putting a gate up around the building to keep other folks from bringing them food and other resources. Horrible.
  11. He also wore his best UT tribute outfit for his first show at Moody.
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