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Bama Chick

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Everything posted by Bama Chick

  1. Ixnay on the Trump food talk. Y’all gonna Beetlejuice a picture of that fucking sloppy burger thing.
  2. This is straight up child abuse. And her bitch ass is definitely holding a umbrella over herself.
  3. The Russian Putin dick sucking shills are singing from the same hymnal.
  4. Not yet and not while it’s happening. That’s a fucking monkey’s paw just asking for shit to go sideways with actual lives in peril.
  5. These people are a lost cause.
  6. Going to need 800 per school - there were 376 LEOs at Uvalde and they didn’t stop shit.
  7. Floridians take “No white clothes after Labor Day” seriously.
  8. They’ve already started. New messaging is “Biden and the Democrats are cutting your Medicare!”. The truth? Medicare spending will go down next year due to the Biden administration getting better pricing on prescription drugs. It’s ludicrous.
  9. This post is sexist and you should feel sexist. Also, those getting a communication degree are sure as heck more media literate and are taught the ability to do actual research.
  10. Let this turn into some OJ in a white Bronco shit lol
  11. Shrub stole his election the old fashioned way.
  12. Sounds like Truss is already on the ropes.
  13. It’s very interesting reading some of the complaints from men. It really, really reinforces the fact that men and women can watch the same scene and see stuff completely differently. I love this show and it’s hitting way harder than GoT for me.
  14. Fuck this attention seeking sentient mid life crisis.
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