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Posts posted by BachelorTrek

  1. 5 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I'm taking 3 of my little kids with me this weekend. Tomorrow night we're going to Matt's El Rancho. After the game on Saturday, I'm taking them out to Salt Lick for the evening. Sunday morning, we're going to grab some Bill Miller breakfast tacos and Starbuck's coffee and pumpkin spiced lattes and then heading home. 

    I'll be posting numerous photos and reviews on this thread of each experience, in an effort to help folks like you that might not have enough background on all of the culinary marvels that greater Austin has to offer for the out-of-towners.

    Vazquez Restaurant, Tacodeli, or Rudy's have breakfast tacos that I dig.

    Bill Miller's sliced beef po-boys sure have really had a price jump since the 90s.

  2. I was looking to see if Rapelor's claimed attendance of near capacity (capacity: 45,140) for last week's IAst game was legit or not.

    Rapelor's claimed IAst last week attendance: 43,528 

    Source: https://baylorbears.com/sports/football/stats (Game-by-Game >> Results)

    I looked for stadium pictures for the game on X, and I couldn't find any.

    Instead, I stumbled upon some cyclone-taunts about an empty stadium in the comments about this brouhaha about a punching-out of the glass in the corches' box allegedly by the IAst corches:


    So according to the cyclone-taunts in the comments to this pot-stirring, Rapelor had a near-empty stadium for this game, yet claims 43,528 attendance.

    I wish I could say I'm surprised about the fake-attendance, but I'm not. 

  3. On 10/29/2023 at 7:34 PM, thunderlounge said:

    Helen Keller and crew slated elsewhere?

    They couldn't find the way out of their room after the furniture was completely rearranged and doorknobs were put on the walls.  Lulz.

  4. On 10/28/2023 at 10:56 AM, Steelers Roll Left said:

    I can only opine based on what I’ve seen.  Of Maalik, to be fair, it’s relatively little in very limited garbage time snaps.  In that limited action, I wasn’t seeing a whole lot in the passing game and what stuck out is he throws the ball hard, perhaps too hard for WR tastes.  Maybe he had a leash on him that will be taken off today for a more fair assessment of his skills in a starting role.  Will be interesting to see whether The Horns plug him into the Ewers’ offensive role or change the play book to cater to his skill set.  Definitely ready for the possibility of a Simms-Applewhite revival though that may become a 3-way once (if) Ewers is due to return

    Texas v Missouri 1996 is the all-timer

    A classmate friend of mine was one of the bellyflop sliders in the water -- and was the only one who did it and was arrested who wasn't drunk.

    He didn't worry -- his lawyer-dad had him out of custody in a couple hours.  Lulz.

  5. 8 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    So all that area is just a fucking strip of desert.  It's unlivable land unless you spend a lot of fucking money to build up the infrastructure.  The humanitarian crisis in Gaza that is happening.  It already has been happening.  The gulf oil states send them billions of dollars a year.  The money does not go to the Palestinians.  It goes directly to the same spoiled bastards the enrich themselves in the name of Allah, while they are living in mansions and banging western prostitutes and using drugs.  When Yassar Arafat died, you know the dude who was the head of the PLA.  His estimated wealth was over 50 billion dollars.  They are still trying to track where that money went.  People can blame Israel all they want for cutting off access and supplies.  But if you have 50 billion dollars and you get paid a ton of money in aid of year.  It's like 5-10 billion.  How can you not bring a strip on the coast with a border to Egypt back into the modern world.  It's simple.  Because the dudes in charge don't want to.  The leaders of Hamas live in Qatar in luxury mansions.  If the Palestinian cause went away, their money would go away.  It's just like the homeless epidemic in America.  Why would the director of Homeless services who gets paid 5 million dollars a year want to solve the homeless crisis.  If that happens, then their money goes away.

    Arafat's widow & daughter live the life of luxury from those billions in Paris, France. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Nicole44 said:

    Well LandThieves so duh. I’m convinced we just don’t care as much about beating OU as we should (this goes back years) but there were times the ass whippings were so severe I wondered if they had bugged our sideline or lockerroom. 

    prolly both

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