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Posts posted by BachelorTrek

  1. Just now, dcar00 said:

    Galindo calling ESPN2 Miami/Temple...

    I'm happy with this.

    Share the pain.

    Once he ruins enough broadcasts and gets enough fans nationwide mad at him, too, he'll be run out of the 4-letter on a rail.  Lulz.

  2. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I mean, is there a chance this scrub fucks us over because we're Texas? Of course. On paper this is not an advantageous matchup for Baylor.

    It's been done successfully to us before by Mobilehoma with an unknown QB we had NO IDEA how to defend.

    Jason White says, "Hi!"

  3. 8 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    So, due to ennui, I subscribed to the crazy Baylor site that left 247 during the Briles scandal. These people are fucking nuts, but I'm only giving them one dollar for one week. 

    I've spoilered a team injury update below. The net-net is that their big NT might be playing significant snaps this weekend. He's been out since the spring and they've been playing an undersized guy at NT in his stead. They also may be getting their starting CB back from injury.

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    SicEm365 Lead Recruiting Analyst and Co-Editor Grayson Grundhoefer provides insight into the Bears program heading into a key matchup against Texas.


    - Baylor’s nose tackle position is finally starting to get healthy after some very unfortunate injury luck in the spring. JUCO lineman Jerrell Boykins was brought in to solidify the nose tackle position for this team during the 2023 season but he went down with a knee injury in the Green & Gold Game. The 6-foot-4, 330-pound prospect was expected to be a high level run stuffer the moment he stepped on the field and his sheer size will make a drastic impact for this team. Boykins practiced last week and this week but he is still getting his conditioning to the point where he can play a full amount of snaps. We will see how much of a workload he can handle but the good news is that he has been working towards this for a couple weeks now so he should be close. My expectation is that we get our first glimpse of him this Saturday.



    Rapelor, Cougar High, and the other cockroaches from the former SWC pull this shit for the TEXAS game all the time: 

    They'll practice good players all season in some other number (in case their supposed to be "hurt"), but not play them, not unveil them, until it's time to play the TEXAS game. Run the ringers out there that Texas has no recent video on.

    I wonder if the "knee injury" was contrived/faked for this very purpose -- it's not like millions, if anyone, were watching their spring scrimmage.

    The timing is *too perfect* to suspect otherwise. He would be key in stopping Texas run game, and just happens to get healthy for the TEXAS game?  Fucking yeah.... RIGHT!

    There are no coincidences.

    At this point, I expect all of Cougar High's running backs and wide receivers to likewise be coated in cooking-oil for their game with TEXAS like Chuck Weatherspoon was (and got away with it) during their chuck-and-duck days Andre under-Ware and David Klingler.  All the cheats and tricks get used now for these final shots at TEXAS.


    Fuck Rapelor and their toilet-seat stadium, soon to be gathering cobwebs as this will be its final sellout!

    Hook' Em!

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Teams that won’t be a cakewalk in this order: BYU, Kansas State and OU.

    BYU probably scares me the lost. We don’t have to play UCF and not sure what that would look like nor will the Refs get to job is in an Oklahoma State contest. Crazy. 

    No matter HOW BAD Rapelor is, they will play their last game against us next week like a Super-Bowl team, and Aranda will tell them, "This is your bowl game."

    Cougar High is another trap game, and they're assembling rickety stands for the Texas allotment as we speak, I bet!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Refs have the suck tonite. 

    Also week three in college football is usually the week where the matchups look like shit on paper for most of the games. It’s a trap. Trap weekend. 


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