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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. It would be chef's-kiss that the most damning parts of The Cheating by Meatchicken that have been held back until now, are released after an apparent MNC. Lulz.
  2. Hilarious! That obstinate fan prolly had to eat his ticket/tickets, because there was some article after the semifinals that the ticket CFP Championship Game prices tanked after Texas lost something crazy, like from $2900/ticket before the semifinals to $600/ticket after the semifinals. Triple-OOFPH! Lulz.
  3. But also it's a huge difference not having to play chicken-littles that play jihad-games against you, where you have nothing to win and everything to lose, complete with the cheapshots and intentional injuries like froggie did to JB.
  4. "Ivan the Turrible" wasn't cool enough? Lulz.
  5. Send that TCU player who intentionally injured JB a Christmas card.
  6. Where are the holding calls on UW? They're holding on EVERY FUCKING PLAY!
  7. Yep, that "legs tangled up" call is a bitch. Example: in Super Bowl XIII where Benny Barnes WRONGLY got the DPI when Lynn Swann ran over Barnes' legs/feet, yet Barnes got the DPI and changed the Super Bowl on a floater pass. It should've been OPI on Swann for running over Barnes' legs/feet. That call cost Dallas the Super Bowl, even if Jackie Smith still hadn't caught the wide-open pass in the end zone. I saw it live at home with my Dad-- we both couldn't believe that BS ref call that screwed over the Cowboys.
  8. Ha! And when the Cowboys gets screwed over by the refs, like saying Dez Bryant didn't catch the ball, it's suddenly NOT an "egregious" error by the refs. I don't think the refs screwed up this reporting story, but even if it happened as their fans claim, I have no sympathy. Yep! Agree!
  9. I'd rather Dez Bryant got credit for fucking catching the pass, because he actually caught the damn pass, but the refs always screw Dallas when they're playing the Wisco meat stuffers in the playoffs.
  10. You think it's more believable 58 and 68 just walked over to him for kicks? Right before the biggest play of the game? If they walked over there but didn't say anything, or didn't get the ref's attention/get in his face to tell him, "Hey! I AM ELIGIBLE!", it would be stupid, but would explain how it happened.
  11. Video proof -- over the Spanish, #70 and only #70 is announced by the ref as eligible over the PA:
  12. I remember those, but I'm older than that. I remember the old Indian-head test pattern, too! Lulz. https://www.amazon.com/Vintage-Pattern-Please-Stand-T-Shirt/dp/B08NM3ZYBB/ref=asc_df_B08NM3ZYBB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=658741769935&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5693128315994762442&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1026201&hvtargid=pla-2064544501626&psc=1&mcid=eeb4531384b538d29f751645460baf43
  13. And you admit that you love it. Lulz.
  14. No BDE. @Nicole44 is disappoint. Lulz.
  15. Guess we all need to complain to Del Conte about it. Anyone on here talk to him regularly?
  16. Reebok, Adidas, and Puma! (Reebok's Texas affiliation ended about '89, IIRC.) Why not? at this point! More supply is needed for both our fans and for our newfound SEC conference competition to buy and then deface. Lulz. The Texas merchandise is being choked into scarcity while demand increases, the way the Japan's Nintendo used to do with their video games.
  17. Back at the 90s without the 3 great Rooster Andrews stores.
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