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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. TEXAS is the Alpha & Omega of the Big 12 Championships! FUCK YOU FOREVER RIG12 & PUSSY-YORMARK!! WE'RE OUT!
  2. Agree! But that's what they teach them now.
  3. That's not what they teach DBs today.... they teach them to play the receiver's eyes.
  4. And for you youngins, "Diesel" said afterwards that he saw himself on the monitors in the Trans World dome live, so he knew he was being caught and knew to cover up the ball with both arms.
  6. That's from Texas having to run the Jihadi-Gauntlet from the Irate8 this season. FUCK. THEM. ALL.
  7. Who was the blond DrPepper MC for that chest-pass competition? She's cute.
  8. @South Austin's mom is in the band? Lulz.
  9. BULLSHIT Rig12 refs fuck Texas on the MORONIC footdragging by Silo-Tech SLOW substitutions. God Dammit, FUCK these refs!
  10. We should come out in UCF uniforms in the 2nd half and then Silo-Tech will just give up. Lulz.
  11. FUCK the Rig12 refs! One more half and BYE-BYE!
  12. Too much tennis play-by-play by Fowler has warped his brain.
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