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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. I miss Fuller's defenses. I don't feel that old. Lulz.
  2. Nah, Sark showed the world how to beat BamaJelly.
  3. Flip to the quacks-beavers game during commercials.
  4. Mobilehoma's "defense" is regarded. Lulz.
  5. The only trees in Lubbock are the big ones on the tech campus. The tech girls are attractive, though too many are dumb as stumps, but it depends on what you're looking for. Lulz.
  6. Russell Erxleben had god-level punting and placekicking/kickoff ability and showed it often. He went to federal prison twice (6 years and then later 7.5 years) for securities fraud, ponzi/Madoff-style schemes, money laundering, and wire/mail fraud, and finally got out in 2019.
  7. I worked with an isu grad who married an iowa grad, and she was a doppelrganger for the *young* Shirley MacLaine (like in the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Trouble With Harry") who looked like this in that movie:
  8. For a second, I did a double-take that Bill "With The Kiss!" Raftery (the guy to the left of Brando) was somehow involved. Lulz.
  9. He needs to get his money's worth with an old Deacon Jones style headslap. That would be satisfying. Lulz.
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