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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. I'm going to laugh for a month if WV saunters into Norman and beats shitty Mobilehoma. Lulz.
  2. Lots of people leaving the stands with that ku FG. No way "traffic" is so bad in nowhereville Lawrence to beat the "crowd" out to moar nowhere. Lulz.
  3. They're all prairie bastards. Lulz.
  4. Oh, and blueboids with the uniforms that resemble the blue pants/blue helmet and red jersey of the Montreal Canadiens color scheme isn't lost on me as a hockey fan. Lulz.
  5. tech will have to get off this lead they've been sitting on & trying to hatch if the blueboids take the lead somehow.
  6. Yep! I'm certain they think the kids will think it's "hip" & "cool", but it fails at that, and only makes legions of us olds annoyed.
  7. They aren't the Big Slow Ten for nothing! Lulz.
  8. _iaz is the Pedophile State DC? No wonder Meatchicken is running past their wild blitzing.
  9. I guess for Meatchicken it's "NO bet" now with no Harbaugh! Lulz.
  10. https://www.wxyz.com/news/big-ten-suspends-jim-harbaugh-for-remaining-regular-season-games-amid-ncaa-investigation Meatchicken's court order text
  11. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38867625/michigan-court-filings-seek-block-jim-harbaugh-suspension
  12. Successfully judge-shopped, but I didn't expect anything less. What a joke! Lulz.
  13. Loosely, yes. Dog was tied to a sign, not a tree. They even took pictures of the dog before the dognapping of the dog while it was inside the chainlink fence in whoever's back yard in Dallas. Lulz.
  14. Well, him is here, and I am here for it.... and him.
  15. Where would they go if they left? The Rig12? ACC? Pac-2? Lulz. The SEC? Sankey basically said he's happy with the current number of schools.
  16. Here ya go: https://bigten.org/documents/2023/11/10//Correspondence_from_conference_to_institution_dated_Nov_10_2023.pdf?id=9450 "For the reasons expressed herein, I have determined that the following disciplinary action against the University is appropriate: Effective immediately, the University football team must compete without its Head Football Coach for the games remaining in the 2023 regular season. This disciplinary action shall not preclude the University or its football team from having its Head Football Coach attend practices or other football team activities other than the game activities to which it applies. For clarity, the Head Football Coach shall not be present at the game venue on the dates of the games to which this disciplinary action applies."
  17. Nah, looks like he got the wording in his post from this article or similar place: https://fremonttribune.com/sports/college/michigan-going-to-court-to-block-big-tens-three-game-suspension-of-coach-jim-harbaugh/article_1630de69-dac3-5e28-84bb-8ac54f929afa.html
  18. Meatchicken not happy when they landed in Happy Valley. You hate to see it! Lulz.
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