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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. How can we go an entire season with no called-strikes? It will feel that way....baseball season will be Clusterfuck-Rage with the Rig12 umps.
  2. Yep! They're Pretenders propped up by a complicit-wishcasting sports media.
  3. JB iz money! TD! LFG! Fuck kans-ass farmer Mofos! Hook'Em!
  4. Way to go, CJ! TD Texas! Now get the ball back and score again!
  5. Vazquez Restaurant, Tacodeli, or Rudy's have breakfast tacos that I dig. Bill Miller's sliced beef po-boys sure have really had a price jump since the 90s.
  6. Football MACtion or Basketball MACtion? Lulz.
  7. I was looking to see if Rapelor's claimed attendance of near capacity (capacity: 45,140) for last week's IAst game was legit or not. Rapelor's claimed IAst last week attendance: 43,528 Source: https://baylorbears.com/sports/football/stats (Game-by-Game >> Results) I looked for stadium pictures for the game on X, and I couldn't find any. Instead, I stumbled upon some cyclone-taunts about an empty stadium in the comments about this brouhaha about a punching-out of the glass in the corches' box allegedly by the IAst corches: Lulz. So according to the cyclone-taunts in the comments to this pot-stirring, Rapelor had a near-empty stadium for this game, yet claims 43,528 attendance. I wish I could say I'm surprised about the fake-attendance, but I'm not.
  8. Texas is running a superbowl-gauntlet.
  9. They couldn't find the way out of their room after the furniture was completely rearranged and doorknobs were put on the walls. Lulz.
  10. Read the article and pick one. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/l/best-vpn-services/
  11. This fuckface, Yormark, and senator-Fuckface Lois Kolkhorst can all each eat an aircraft carrier full of dicks! FUCK the big12!
  12. A classmate friend of mine was one of the bellyflop sliders in the water -- and was the only one who did it and was arrested who wasn't drunk. He didn't worry -- his lawyer-dad had him out of custody in a couple hours. Lulz.
  13. Arafat's widow & daughter live the life of luxury from those billions in Paris, France.
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