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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. Fun to flip over & watch Air Force/CSU play in snowfall on cbs-sports-network (not regular-cbs).
  2. "Apparent drowning" Was Christopher Walken present for this one, too? #NatalieWood
  3. Mine was a Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross -- probably the turbo 1.5L 4-banger.
  4. Probably flew past it doing 80 mph (not kph) in my SUV rental when I was on Okinawa in June. Lulz.
  5. The closest I've gotten to Tex-Mex in the West (Henderson, Nevada--next to Vega$, Phoenix, AZ, and nocal/socal) is Chevy's Fresh-Mex.
  6. I love all the transplants here in Texas now that try to tell native Texans like myself what good BBQ is. It makes me want to open a shit-BBQ chain to get rich off the tourists and transplants. Lulz. Food talk not going away. Lulz.
  7. I never liked Matt's. My family's first on the Tex-Mex list was always La Tapatia on East 7th Street back in the 70s-80s. La Tapatia has been gone for many years, just like Cafe Adobe has been gone for many years. Tex-Mex these days has these choices that I enjoy and more: Chuy's Valencia Tex-Mex Garage Torchy's Velvet Taco Serrano's Pappasito's Vazquez Restaurant El Arroyo (I used to work a block away and started many a morning with their breakfast tacos.)
  8. Get in the tank and start shooting and running over everyone, everything, including shooting the police choppers from the sky, quickly gets your 5 stars. Lulz.
  9. Neat. I'd rather have the 2024 season schedule first, then the hype videos, in that order. Lulz.
  10. Hill had both knees surgically repaired (first one knee, then later the other knee, as if upgraded with bionics) during his college career. Lulz.
  11. cougar high achieved their objective to fuck Texas' season.... if they couldn't win the game, at least they took out Ewers. They're happy. FUCK cougar high! THIS is why you don't play in a conference with scrub high school teams that have nothing to lose to play their Super Bowl against you. When you have nothing to gain and everything to lose in playing little leeches as conference opponents, you know you're in the WRONG CONFERENCE. FUCK cougar high! FUCK yormark! FUCK the Big12! FUCK the Big12's shitty and crooked refs! THANK GOD ALMIGHTY we're leaving this Shit behind to dry up and blow away and will play meaningful conference games against meaningful opponents forevermore in the SEC!
  12. Texas - 62 cougar high dead-big12-weight commuter-school soon to be cast out into The Outer Darkness of Oblivion - 3 TEXAS FIGHT!!
  13. ARF, aka Footy, aka "Human Pinball" where individual punches are thrown and often ignored without penalty, unless it becomes a hockey fight.
  14. aka Hoover, AL -- until maybe the newcomers can moneywhip them into moving it from that shitastic venue.
  15. No Sunday games with BYU, however you slice it (start on Thursday or doubleheader on Friday or Saturday) because the mormons don't play any sports on Sundays.
  16. Irate8/Hateful8 corches will be forced to actually corch for more than *one game against Texas* next year going forward, and ratings pie will shrink more than has been wishcasted. Look for the Irate8/Hateful8 corching-carousel to go BRRRR after (and/or during) the 2024 season when the shit-corches can't save their hides by beating Texas and face the music. Lulz.
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