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Everything posted by BachelorTrek

  1. If they drop a punt Saturday, I'm going to laugh so hard! Lulz.
  2. Pizza Classics pizzas, or those 20-inch Gumby's pizzas..... so good!
  3. Ah-ha! You never found the magic 2nd-floor Jester athletes' breakfasts that I did. Breakfasts fit for a king.
  4. You must be confusing your rehab for the rehab that I've never had. Lulz.
  5. I heard a hilarious story about a guy that flipped out, grabbed the fluorescent tube bulbs from the hallway lights in Jester, would shout, "I AM ZEUS! FEEL MY LIGHTNING BOLTS!" and would proceed to chase people down the hallways and throw the fluorescent bulbs at people and doors/walls/anything, terrorizing anyone he came in contact with, in addition to having the broken glass shards/mercury/fluorescent-material everywhere from his antics. I don't think the UTPD caught him in the act, but after he stopped, everyone knew who it was, so he was first taken to be bitched-out by the Head Resident (the HR wanted their pound of flesh) before being expelled. Lulz.
  6. 3rd Floor Jester East - Once I found out that the football players didn't get breakfast in their special dining hall (only lunch & dinner was served in the football players' dining hall - no breakfast) and had awesome breakfasts served to them in the 2nd floor of the Jester dining hall, I ate breakfast in 2nd Floor in Jester, and never had breakfast anywhere else again. The burger patties in the Andrews dining hall were freshly flame-broiled (and not put in the cold, brown, unknown liquid that Jester & Kinsolving put them in--- ugh), so unless I felt like getting a baked potato from Kinsolving's dining hall, I usually ate lunch/dinner in Andrews. I knew about Andrews' dining hall because in the mid-60s while attending The University, Dad used to work as a cook in Andrews dining hall. He loved it; it allowed him to park on campus every day. He still tells me about things that the girls did to the eggs he'd make that was even worse than dumping ketchup on them. Lulz. I never tried Simkins' cafeteria, but I ate Saigon Eggrolls a ton, from any of the locations: 24th & Speedway (or sometimes over by Littlefield Fountain), 26th & Speedway, or on The Drag near The Co-Op. I miss Saigon Eggrolls!
  7. Can he catch the ball reliably? Does he fumble a bunch? Can he pass-pro (pass protect)? Inquiring minds want to know! Lulz.
  8. Phonetically, it's [BOH mis ter]. Or "Bow and arrow" from your choices.
  9. So you're saying, it'll be just like the Memorial Stadium games (It wasn't DKR until '96.) I attended in the 70s, 80s, and 90s will just have The University of Texas Longhorn Band playing at stoppages, and no DJ, no blazing-overdriven loud dance-music for women to keep them from saying, "I'm boooored!" and leaving, no annoying loud advertisements? It'd help enormously if a good Wally Pryor impersonater ran the PA. ----"George.... George Soros. Please report to the stadium office." FUCKING SIGN ME UP, THEN! Lulz.
  10. Somebody on here already called him, "Jake" and not "Jack," so people will call him whatever they want, and Bob's your uncle. Lulz.
  11. And RC kept saying Lechler was a "gud aggy". Lulz.
  12. "Bow Mister" is the pronunciation of the NHL hockey defenseman Jay Bouwmeester (no relation), so I bet you say it the same.
  13. https://www.footballdb.com/players/will-rogers-roger0149 He didn't play for 2 teams in the same season. The answer is still No. You can't play for 2 teams in the same college football season, not now, not then. Why do people keep asking this stupid shit?
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