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Posts posted by BachelorTrek

  1. 4 minutes ago, TexArcher said:


    It's like the "Reggie Bush is GOD" BS we heard before VY beat their shit.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, slorch said:

    announcers:  this ballpark.


    Motherfuckers, he hit it off the wall in left center.  It's not like he dinked it into the Crawford boxes.


    Fuck the excuse makers for Astros opponents.  Leave no fucking doubt.

    Both yankers and dead-sox have shorter distances in their ballparks, but somehow they are OK, just the stadium of the teams in the South are horrific!

    yanker stadium shortest distances are 318ft in left and 314 in right, dead-sox is 310 in left and 302 in right.

    Minute Maid's shortest distance is 315 to the 17 foot wall for the Crawford boxes.

    The announcers can go eat a big bag of dicks!

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. Just now, Make em eat Taco Bell said:

    their 3b is good.  Shhit! 

    btw, how come we all remember the entire 1980 Philly lineup, 42 years ago, but I still can't name more than 3 daily players in this WS?

    I had forgotten Zonk was on that phils team.

    I still HATE Rose spiking the baseball to call attention to himself after every 3rd out he caught at 1B.  I'm the only person who remembers that pompous shit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Bandana boy playing fuck-fuck with Framber was my favorite.

    Such a satisfying strike-out, bitch boy.

    And that stepping out of the box shit's illegal next year --- time-out won't be granted after the first time per at-bat or automatic strike call.

  5. Just now, cabowabo said:
    2 minutes ago, BachelorTrek said:
    Muted TV, Astros radio turned up!

    The streams available to me are over a minute delayed.

    I can regularly pick up 740AM KTRH from the source in the car or at home, just like tonight.

  6. At least tonight's game is on KTRH 740AM -- so you have at least 2 listening choices, to either:

    1. Pickup terrestrial KTRH on your radio.


    2. Listen to the KTRH stream for FREE on the Iheartradio app on your smartphone.

    KTRH streams may work on your PC, also.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Sark is already fired. We’re just going through the motions for the next 1.5 years 

    If so, where's the big-cigar talk at? That shit should be leaked by now.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Horn Dogg said:

    But it was supposed to be in our favor, we still found a way to fuck that up.

    If Sark goes tits-up, maybe our big-cigars will finally hire someone with skins on the wall who finally knows how to win.

  9. 3 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    LOL at the aggy dipshit fan doing “Horns Down” when we’re not even playing.

    That Loser knows we're watching, so they do it on purpose--no identity otherwise except to define themselves by waking-up every morning to hate Texas.

    We're living rent-free in the backs of their minds---- always.   Lulz.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    Quick--what does Gundy tell his team after this game?  Sorry, I suck?

    "I'm SO PROUD of you guys beating TEXAS! That's what gives our whole season meaning and gives us reason for existence, plus I'm protected to keep my job for another year because I can tell the AD and boosters that, 'Hey! It doesn't matter that we fucked away the rest of the season -- WE BEAT TEXAS! That's all that matters!'"

    This has been the case in the Big12/SWC conferences for decades.

    Why do you think the rest of the Big12 pissed themselves as soon as we announced going to the SEC?  Their football coaches would finally have to coach for all the games in a whole season after Texas leaves, instead of pointing to Texas as being their "bowl game" every season.

    I can't wait to see that toilet-bowl stadium on I-35 in Waco crumbling after 5 years of disrepair when the money dries up after Texas leaves the Big12 to die.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. Just now, LTtxfan said:

    Yeah okie lite was broken by 2nd quarter of this game...  just worn out

    Gundy saved his job for another year by beating Texas last week, so it's "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!", and they can mail-in the rest of the season, just like they're tanking against k-state today.

    Shit like this behavior by the have-nots in the Big12 (beating Texas to ensure job-security for another year) is why we're disengaging the gravy-train and casting them into the outer darkness of football-Oblivion when we go to the SEC.

    The quicker we join the SEC, the quicker these Chumps dry up and blow away!

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