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Duval Street

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Everything posted by Duval Street

  1. Kindly leave Dana Delany out of this, asshole. *shit, got beat by hate
  2. Ever try finding two people in Oklahoma who aren’t direct family members?
  3. He pretty much has to look up to everyone.
  4. Wait til you see their glow-in-the-day helmets.
  5. Oh I ate a shitload, dropped about 150 spots, and am happy as fuck to have been wrong.
  6. If I'm on the investigative committee and not an abuse-enabler, McMurphy is on my list of inteviewees. Any word they tried to contact him?
  7. Very cat and mouse, where the cat is a lion that tears shit up and the mouse is stuck in a shoe box.
  8. How much for the passenger seat? Not asking for a friend.
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